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digital transformation
Digital transformation: Affected and accelerated by COVID-19

97% of enterprise decision makers believe COVID-19 accelerated their company’s digital transformation efforts, according to a Twilio survey of over 2,500 enterprise decision …

Cloud services help adapt and respond to COVID-19 challenges

38 percent of businesses have scaled infrastructure to meet new levels of demand during the lockdown period (March-June), highlighting how the pandemic has accelerated …

Global data center networking market to reach $40.9 billion by 2025

The global data center networking market is projected to reach $40.9 billion by 2025 and projected to register 11.0% CAGR over the forecast period, from 2019 to 2025 according …

Managers and employees support digital transformation, but see room for improvement

Digital transformation has widespread support among managers and employees, but some think that the pace of change at their companies could be faster, they could be more …

CIOs are apprehensive about interruptions due to expired machine identities

TLS certificates act as machine identities, safeguarding the flow of sensitive data to trusted machines. With the acceleration of digital transformation, the number of machine …

Core cybersecurity principles for new companies and products

The rapid increase in cyberattacks and pressures escalating from changes prompted by COVID-19 have shifted consumer behavior. The findings of a report by the World Economic …

Employees often overlooked when companies adopt new technology

Companies are placing business and shareholder goals above employee needs when they adopt new technology, according to Lenovo. The research, conducted among 1,000 IT managers …

Business functions fail to collaborate on digitization

Many companies do not realize the full value of investing in digital projects due to a lack of collaboration among their critical business functions, according to a study by …

How will a return to work impact cloud usage and strategy?

In the wake of COVID-19, enabling remote work has required IT teams to rapidly lean into cloud technologies to keep their businesses operating smoothly. A survey suggests that …

digital transformation
Because IT security and the C-suite are misaligned, digital transformation increases cyber risk

While digital transformation is understood to be critical, its rapid adoption, as seen with cloud providers, IoT and shadow IT, is creating significant cyber risk for most …

Organizations are creating the perfect storm by not implementing security basics

European organizations have a false sense of security when it comes to protecting themselves, with only 68% seeing themselves as vulnerable, down from 86% in 2018, according …

digital transformation
Digital transformation drives middle market resiliency

Digital transformation has tipped from buzzword to baseline in the middle market, and not a moment too soon. As the COVID-19 pandemic threatens the health of people and …

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