digital transformation

Ignore API security at your peril
Application programming interfaces (APIs) are at the core of nearly every digital experience – whether that is the delivery of mobile apps that enable consumers to …

Application security tools ineffective against new and growing threats
A study by Fastly and ESG, based on insights from information security and IT professionals representing hundreds of organizations globally, revealed growing concerns around …

Worldwide AIOps market size to grow steadily by 2027
The global AIOps market size is projected to reach $23.9 billion by 2027, from $4.0 billion in 2020, at a CAGR of 30% during 2021-2027, according to Valuates Reports. Major …

Businesses relying on data to achieve post-pandemic digital transformation goals
Frost & Sullivan’s recent analysis finds that organizations worldwide are inclined to invest in hybrid and multi-cloud information technology (IT) environments that …

File security violations within organizations have spiked 134% as the world reopened for business
BetterCloud surveyed more than 500 IT and security professionals—and examined internal data from thousands of organizations and users—to understand their top challenges, …

Middle East ICT market expected to reach $95.05 billion by 2025
With the emphasis on reducing dependency on the oil industry, several Middle Eastern countries are formulating strategies to boost the contribution of the Information and …

How mobile operators view security in the 5G era
There’s a major gap in security capability among mobile operators, which in many cases is not yet being filled by industry partnerships, Trend Micro reveals. In the 5G …

Most enterprises started a modernization program due to the pandemic
Advanced released a report which examines the current mainframe market, the associated challenges facing large enterprises worldwide, and the impact COVID-19 has and will …

Decision makers divided about cloud technology adoption
As businesses seek technology solutions that help us prepare for a new post-pandemic normal, cloud adoption rates continue to rise. In fact, according to research, 67% of all …

Chief Compliance Officers must embrace new leadership responsibilities
As demands on the compliance function grow more intense, Chief Compliance Officers (CCOs) must proactively embrace new leadership responsibilities for their role and …

Digital transformation needs data integrity to be successful
The exponential growth of business data, coupled with advancements in cloud computing, AI, and the IoT has unleashed an era of digital transformation across the globe. This is …

Most businesses to accelerate data security investments in 2021
71 percent of enterprise executives reported their organization’s data and AI timelines have accelerated since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, with one in four reporting …