
The benefits of implementing continuous security in the development lifecycle
Wabbi published new research with IDG that finds companies utilizing continuous security have decreased vulnerabilities by 50%. The study focused on the integration of …

Cloud-native adoption shifts security responsibility across teams
Styra released a research report which explores how in sync, or misaligned, IT leaders and developers are when it comes to cloud-native technology use and security during …

Take a dev-centric approach to cloud-native AppSec testing
The era of the cloud-native application is well and truly upon us: IDC researchers have predicted that by 2023, more that 500 million apps will be developed using cloud-native …

The importance of implementing security scanning in the software development lifecycle
Veracode published a research that finds most applications are now scanned around three times a week, compared to just two or three times a year a decade ago. This represents …

Low code applications are essential for cybersecurity development in applications
One of the biggest changes to the cybersecurity landscape is that developers are now often expected to implement security directly into the applications they’re building as …

6 cloud security trends to watch for in 2022
It’s fascinating to take a step back and look at how “the cloud” developed over the last two decades. There has been a lot of innovation that has sparked a new wave of …

Shifting security further left: DevSecOps becoming SecDevOps
Veracode has revealed usage data that demonstrates cybersecurity is becoming more automated and componentized in line with modern software architectures and development …

How to implement security into software design from the get-go
Software professionals know that the working relationship between developers and security teams can be complicated. Most security professionals feel it’s part of a …

Putting the “sec” in DevSecOps: An overall reduction of risk
In this Help Net Security interview, Cindy Blake, Senior Security Evangelist at GitLab, talks about the importance of integrating security in DevSecOps and how to overcome the …

Securing open-source code supply chains may help prevent the next big cyberattack
The headline-making supply chain attack on SolarWinds late last year sent a shock wave through the security community and had many CISOs and security leaders asking: “Is my …

What is challenging secure application development?
A Censuswide report reveals the biggest security challenges that application security (AppSec) managers and software developers are facing within their organizations in …

Software development: Why security and constant vigilance are everyone’s responsibilities
An report from May 2021 has found that 81% of developers admit to knowingly releasing vulnerable apps, and 76% experienced pressure to sacrifice mobile security for …
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