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macOS ransomware
Victims of Filecoder ransomware for macOS can now decrypt their files

Last week, researchers discovered and analyzed a new piece of ransomware targeting a specific subset of Mac users: those who are looking for ways to crack legal copies of some …

Tech support scammers have started using ransomware

Tech support scammers have begun using ransomware to force users to pay for the “cleaning” of their infected computer. Unlike most previous tech support schemes, …

Telecrypt Decryptor foils ransomware’s simple encryption method

The recently spotted Telecrypt ransomware can be thwarted: malware analyst Nathan Scott has created a tool that decrypts the encrypted files. Telecrypt Decryptor works only if …

Cerber2 ransomware released, no decryption tool available

The author of the widely distributed Cerber ransomware has released a newer version, and files encrypted with Cerber2, unfortunately, can’t be decrypted without paying …

powerware decrypter in action
Decrypter for Locky-mimicking PowerWare ransomware released

Palo Alto Networks’ researchers have created a decrypter for the variant of the PoshCoder ransomware that imitates the Locky ransomware. Dubbed PowerWare by the …

Bart ransomware victims get free decryptor

AVG malware analyst Jakub Kroustek has devised a decryptor for Bart ransomware, and the company has made it available for download (for free). Bart ransomware This particular …

Destructive BadBlock ransomware can be foiled

If you have been hit with ransomware, you want that malware to be BadBlock – but only if you haven’t restarted your computer. This particular malware is a …

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