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DNS attacks increasingly target service providers

The telecommunications and media sector is the most frequent victim of DNS attacks, according to EfficientIP. DNS attacks on service providers According to the IDC 2020 Global …

4.83 million DDoS attacks took place in the first half of 2020, a 15% increase

Attackers focused on COVID-era lifelines such as healthcare, e-commerce, and educational services with complex, high-throughput attacks designed to overwhelm and quickly take …

Bit-and-piece DDoS attacks increased 570% in Q2 2020

Attackers shifted tactics in Q2 2020, with a 570% increase in bit-and-piece DDoS attacks compared to the same period last year, according to Nexusguard. Perpetrators used …

DDoS attacks rise in intensity, sophistication and volume

There have been significant shifts in DDoS attack patterns in the first half of 2020, a Neustar report reveals. There has been a 151% increase in the number of DDoS attacks …

91% of cybersecurity pros want stricter internet measures to tackle misinformation

There’s a growing unease amongst the cybersecurity community around the recent rise in misinformation and fake domains, Neustar reveals. 48% of cybersecurity …

DDoS attacks in April, May and June 2020 double compared to Q2 2019

Findings from Link11’s H1 2020 DDoS Report reveal a resurgence in DDoS attacks during the global COVID-19 related lockdowns. In April, May and June 2020, the number of …

In addition to traditional DDoS attacks, researchers see various abnormal traffic patterns

In the first quarter of 2020, DDoS attacks rose more than 278% compared to Q1 2019, and more than 542% compared to the last quarter, as published in the Nexusguard Q1 2020 …

New wave of attacks aiming to rope home routers into IoT botnets

A Trend Micro research is warning consumers of a major new wave of attacks attempting to compromise their home routers for use in IoT botnets. The report urges users to take …

Adopting more tools doesn’t necessarily improve security response efforts

While organizations have slowly improved in their ability to plan for, detect and respond to cyberattacks over the past five years, their ability to contain an attack has …

DDoS traffic capitalizes on remote working connectivity reliance to disrupt service provider targets

In the first quarter of 2020, DDoS attacks rose more than 278% compared to Q1 2019 and more than 542% compared to the last quarter, according to Nexusguard. Working from home …

Broken glass
40% of security pros say half of cyberattacks bypass their WAF

There are growing concerns around the number of businesses vulnerable to cyberattacks due to hackers’ ability to bypass their Web Application Firewall (WAF), Neustar reveals. …

Duration of application DDoS attacks increasing, some go on for days

There were seven major application DDoS attacks over the previous month — two of which lasted 5-6 days, Imperva reveals. Additionally, the team found that 47% of account …

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