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Defensive search-and-destroy “virus” delivered to Japanese government

It took three years and 178.5 million yen (around $2.3 m) to develop a defensive cyber weapon that can track down the sources of cyber attacks and disable them, but Fujitsu …

Microsoft releases MS11-100 for ASP.NET DoS attack

Today Microsoft released a security bulletin addressing a flaw in ASP.NET that was disclosed early morning yesterday at the Chaos Communication Congress (CCC) in Berlin. …

Key concern for 2012? Application DDoS attacks

Imperva announced its predictions for the top cyber security trends for 2012. The analysis is designed to help companies shield themselves from the threat of hackers and …

Researchers explore how cyber attackers think

In a unique collaboration, an engineer and a criminologist are applying criminological concepts and research methods in the study of cybercrime, leading to recommendations for …

Changing nature of DDoS attacks

The volume of packets-per-second (PPS) has almost quadrupled compared to Q3 2010, illustrating a significant increase in the size and diversity of DDoS attacks over the past …

Tsunami, a new backdoor for Mac OS X

Malware authors have taken an old piece of malware developed for Linux and have modified it to attack the Mac OS X platform, warns ESET. The OS X malware has been named …

Top DDoS attacks of 2011

There has been an increase in newer, intelligent application-layer DDoS attacks that are extremely difficult to identify “in the cloud,” and often go undetected …

Suspected LulzSec and Anonymous arrested and charged

Three more alleged LulzSec and Anonymous members have been arrested by the FBI and/or indicted for their misdeeds, reports CNet. 23-year-old Cody Andrew Kretsinger (aka …

Cloud-based DDoS protection

Imperva announced Cloud DDoS Protection, a secure cloud-based service that safeguards businesses from DDoS attacks. By subscribing to this service, organizations can protect …

Google servers as a DDoS tool

Google’s servers can be used by cyber attackers to launch DDoS attacks, claims R00T_ATI, a penetration tester for Italian security consulting firm AIR Sicurezza. He …

Slow HTTP DoS vulnerability test tool

Slow HTTP DoS attacks rely on the fact that the HTTP protocol, by design, requires requests to be completely received by the server before they are processed. If an HTTP …

Bitcoin mining botnet also used for DDoS attacks

A recently discovered P2P Bitcoin mining botnet has acquired DDoS capabilities, warns Kaspersky Lab expert Tillmann Werner. It’s main reason of existence has so far been …

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