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A comparative view of cloud-based DDoS protection services

Six months ago we experienced a 30Gb/sec and 60M PPS attack that was targeting over 1000 IPs on our network. Although we eventually stopped the attack with the aid of our …

The most damaging ramifications of DDoS attacks

More than half of IT security professionals (52 percent) said loss of customer trust and confidence were the most damaging consequences of DDoS attacks for their businesses, …

Teenage Lizard Squad hacker found guilty of 50,700 charges

A 17-year-old member of the infamous Lizard Squad has been found guilty of 50,700 charges by a Finnish court, but won’t serve his sentence in a prison.Among other …

Rise in DDoS reflection attacks using abandoned routing protocol

There’s been an increase in the use of outdated Routing Information Protocol version one (RIPv1) for reflection and amplification attacks, according to Akamai.RIPv1 is a …

DDoS attacks now resemble APTs

DDoS attacks are beginning to resemble advanced persistent threats, evidenced by long durations, repetition and changing attack vectors aimed at evading simple, …

Akamai and Trustwave unite to protect businesses from online threats

Akamai Technologies, provider of content delivery network services, and managed security services firm Trustwave announced at Infosecurity Europe 2015 a new strategic alliance …

DDoS attacks double, old web application attack vectors still active

Akamai Technologies analyzed thousands of DDoS attacks as well as nearly millions of web application attack triggers across the Akamai Edge network.A surge in DDoS attack …

93% of DDoS attacks last 30 minutes

As the tide of DDoS attacks continues to expand, the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the influx of network connected devices, such as webcams and routers, are leading …

High volume DDoS attacks still persistent

Arbor Networks released global DDoS attack data that shows a continuation of extremely high volume attacks. In Q1 2015, there were 25 attacks larger than 100Gbps globally.In …

How Google saw the DDoS attack against Github and GreatFire

The recent DDoS attacks aimed at GreatFire, a website that exposes China’s internet censorship efforts and helps users get access to their mirror-sites, and GitHub, the …

DDoS threat recognized by all members of the C-suite

The increasing number and size of DDoS attacks and their costly and devastating effects on brand perception have not passed unnoticed by North American businesses, most of …

US to enact sanctions against foreign cyber attackers

US president Barack Obama has signed on Wednesday a new executive order aimed at imposing “sanctions on individuals or entities that engage in malicious cyber-enabled …

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