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Next year, attacks will differentiate to penetrate new vulnerable surfaces

The upcoming year will include an increased breadth and depth of attacks, with malicious threat actors differentiating their tactics to capitalize on the changing technology …

DDoS protection quiz-based training course

The DDoS Protection Bootcamp is the first online portal to provide in-depth technical training in the field of DDoS protection. This comprehensive quiz-based training course, …

Analyzing the latest wave of mega attacks

A new report, using data gathered from the Akamai Intelligent Platform, provides analysis of the current cloud security and threat landscape, including insight into two …

How hackers will exploit the Internet of Things in 2017

The Internet of Things (IoT) is now a major force in the weaponization of DDoS. In 2016, IoT botnets have fueled a number of attacks, including the largest-ever DDoS attack, …

Apocalypse now: The IoT DDoS threat

One of the things you learn about humanity, if you’re paying attention, is that “gold rushes” bring out the worse in us. When there are no constraints and there is a greed …

Linux/IRCTelnet creates new, powerful IoT DDoS botnet

Linux/IRCTelnet (new Aidra), a new piece of Linux malware targeting IoT devices and turning them into DDoS-capable bots, has been spotted and analyzed by one of the …

Can we extinguish the Mirai threat?

The recent massive DDoS attack against DNS provider Dyn has jolted (some of) the general public and legislators, and has opened their eyes to the danger of insecure IoT …

Building the IoT monster

When Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein, she imagined the misguided doctor assembling his creature from dead body parts, who instead of elevating science, created something dark …

Dyn DDoS attack post-mortem: Users inadvertently helped

As StarHub, one of the three major telcos in Singapore, confirmed that they were the latest victim of “intentional and likely malicious distributed denial-of-service …

Terabit-scale DDoS events are on the horizon

Corero Network Security has disclosed a new DDoS attack vector observed for the first time against its customers last week. The technique is an amplification attack, which …

Dyn DDoS attack: The aftermath

On October 21, New Hampshire-based Internet performance management company Dyn suffered the largest DDoS attack ever to be registered. The attacks – there were three, in …

Major US DNS provider hit with DDoS, part of the Internet becomes unreachable

US-based DNS provider Dyn has suffered a massive DDoS attack earlier today, and it resulted in many websites being completely or intermittently inaccessible for a few hours. …

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