Attackers continue to enhance their performance, apply smart business techniques
During the second half of 2018, attackers bulked up existing tactics, rapidly evolvied new performance enhancements, and applied smart business techniques to vastly accelerate …

Accidental data breaches are often compounded by a failure to encrypt
83 percent of security professionals believe that employees have accidentally exposed customer or business sensitive data at their organization. Accidental data breaches are …

Average DDoS attack volumes grew by 194% in 12 months
The volume and complexity of DDoS attacks continued to grow in Europe during the final quarter of 2018, according to Link11. While Link11’s Security Operations Center (LSOC) …

SSDP amplification attacks rose 639%
The Nexusguard Q3 2018 Threat Report has revealed the emergence of an extremely stealthy DDoS attack pattern targeting communications service providers (CSPs). Comparison …

Researchers analyze DDoS attacks as coordinated gang activities
In a new report, NSFOCUS introduced the IP Chain-Gang concept, in which each chain-gang is controlled by a single threat actor or a group of related threat actors and exhibit …

Hackers who DDoSed African telecom and US hospital get long prison sentences
Two men who launched DDoS attacks against a variety of targets have received substantial prison sentences on Friday. Attacks against Liberian telecom 30-year-old Daniel Kaye …

Why you shouldn’t be worried about UPnP port masking
Last May, security firm Imperva wrote a blog post discussing a new proof of concept for bypassing DDoS mitigation after discovering reflected network protocols appearing on …

USA and China identified as top cyber attack sources
NSFOCUS released its H1 Cybersecurity Insights report, which analyzed traffic from January 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018. Crypto miners Since the end of March, the number of crypto …

DDoS attack frequency grows 40%, low volume attacks dominate
The frequency of DDoS attacks have once again risen, this time by 40% year on year, according to Corero Network Security. While frequency has increased, the duration of …

DDoS attackers increasingly strike outside of normal business hours
DDoS attack volumes have increased by 50% to an average of 3.3 Gbps during May, June and July 2018, compared to 2.2 Gbps during the previous quarter, according to Link11. …

Intensifying DDoS attacks: Choosing your defensive strategy
One of the biggest misconception regarding DDoS attacks is that they are a once-in-a-lifetime event for organizations, says Josh Shaul, VP of Web Security at Akamai. …

Bot-driven credential abuse, DDoS attacks continue to rise
Cybersecurity defenders face increasing threats from organisations in the form of bot-based credential abuse targeting the hospitality industry and advanced DDoS attacks, …