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Bitly breach details revealed

Bitly has released more details about the breach that made them reset user account credentials and disconnect all users’ Facebook and Twitter accounts late last week: …

Orange hacked again, 1.3M users affected

French telecom provider Orange has suffered a second data breach in less that four months, and this time the intruders made off with personal information of some 1.3 million …

25% of breaches go undetected for more than a day

Recent data breaches have had little impact on the security controls of retail and financial organizations, according to Tripwire. Of the 102 financial organizations and 151 …

Responding to data breaches and increasing security

In this podcast, recorded at Infosecurity Europe 2014, Josie Herbert interviews Craig Carpenter, the Chief Cybersecurity Strategist for AccessData. Carpenter tackles the …

Global cost of data breach goes up by 15 percent

The average consolidated total cost of a data breach increased 15 percent in the last year to $3.5 million, say the results of Ponemon Institute’s ninth annual Cost of …

CISOs anxious about possible data breaches, employees not so much

If you are a Chief Information Security Officer, chances are you may not be getting much sleep lately according to a recent survey of IT security executives at companies of …

Sales drop as corporate data breaches rise

Consumers avoid doing business with a breached organization at an alarming rate, according to a new study commissioned by Identity Finder, the results of which were revealed …

63% of orgs believe they can’t stop data theft

Websense released the first report of the Ponemon Institute survey, “Exposing the Cybersecurity Cracks: A Global Perspective,” which gives new insight into why …

Only 1% of Q1 data breaches were “secure breaches”

Of the 254 data breaches that occurred during the first quarter of 2014, only 1 percent were “secure breaches,” i.e. breaches where strong encryption, key …

AOL breach confirmed, bigger than initially thought

Recent spam emails apparently sent from AOL email addresses and hawking diet products are a direct consequence of a breach of the company’s networks and systems, AOL has …

FBI informant Sabu directed hacking of foreign govt sites

Hector Xavier Monsegur (aka “Sabu”), the infamous hacker and leader of the Lulzsec hacktivist group, has directed his associates to attack and compromise the …

Iowa State University servers breached, made to mine Bitcoins

Iowa State University has revealed yesterday that five of its departmental servers on campus have been hacked, and that Social Security numbers of nearly 30,000 of its past …

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