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UK data watchdog suffered data security breach

A data breach can really happen to anyone – just ask the UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). Buried in the recently made public 2013-2014 Annual …

Breaches exposed 22.8 million personal records of New Yorkers

Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman issued a new report examining the growing number, complexity, and costs of data breaches in the New York State. The report reveals that …

CNET attacked by Russian hackers, user database stolen

Russian hacker group W0rm has apparently managed to breach servers belonging to media website CNET, and make off with databases containing usernames, emails, and encrypted …

64% of companies expect cyber attacks

Nearly two-thirds (64%) of UK IT decision-makers said they expect their organization to be the target of a cyber attack within the next 12 months. And nearly one in three …

Android HijackRAT poised to hit mobile banking users

A highly versatile piece of Android malware has been unearthed by FireEye researchers. Posing as “Google Service Framework”, the malicious app is capable of …

Geodo infostealer gets help from worm

The distribution potential of the infamous Cridex infostealer (also known as Feodo or Bugat) just went up a notch, as a new version of the malware works in conjunction with a …

Western energy companies hit by state-sponsored hackers

Symantec researchers have confirmed the findings of their colleagues at F-Secure, who have been monitoring the spreading of the Havex malware family, and have put them in a …

163k individuals affected in Butler Uni data breach

Personal and financial information of some 163,000 students, alumni, faculty, staff, and past applicants of Indianapolis-based Butler University have been stolen following a …

Banking malware sniffs out data sent over HTTPS

Careful online banking users can sometimes spot that something is amiss when malware installed on their computer pops up phishing pages or adds fields to legitimate banking …

Data breaches in 2013 exposed 14% of all debit cards

Financial institutions weathered the Target data breach and are looking for solutions to enhance security, with many issuers now planning to implement EMV debit, according to …

1.3M personal records exposed in Montana data breach

1.3 million people will be notified that hackers gained entry to a State of Montana’s Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS) computer server, state …

Code hosting Code Spaces destroyed by extortion hack attack

Cloud code hosting service Code Spaces is forced to shut down, as a DDoS attack coupled with an unsuccessful extortion attempt was followed by the attacker deleting most of …

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