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Securing document flow: Exploring exposure and risk

There is a widespread and growing need to improve security practices surrounding confidential documents in most organizations today, according to a new study by the BPI …

Leaked: Personal info on 33+ million employees across the US

Personal and contact information on over 33 million employees of various US-based corporations and federal agencies like the Department of Defense has been leaked. The …

Email and IoT security issues persist

New AT&T research shows many businesses are not effectively protecting their data. As more organizations adopt cloud architectures, traditional security protections …

Friction matters: Data security lessons from Snapchat and Google

In this podcast recorded at RSA Conference 2017, Grant Shirk and Veliz Perez, Head of Product Marketing and Product Marketing Manager at Vera respectively, talk about how the …

Data-centric IoT security for Hadoop Big Data environments

Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) introduced today at RSA Conference 2017 HPE SecureData for Hadoop and IoT, designed to easily secure sensitive information that is generated …

corporate cloud
Companies struggle to deploy security for custom applications

As more and more companies migrate their application workloads from their datacenters to infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) platforms such as the Amazon Web Services (AWS) …

Anti-piracy tech firm Denuvo inadvertently leaks sensitive info

Denuvo Software Solutions has suffered an embarrassing and potentially damaging information leak. Denuvo is an Austrian company well known for its anti-tamper technology and …

Android unlocked
Can you trust your Android VPN client?

Do you trust your Android VPN client to keep your data secure and your online browsing private? Perhaps you shouldn’t. A group of researchers has analyzed 283 Android …

Exploring data security in the legal sector and beyond

BitSight analyzed the Security Ratings of more than 20,000 organizations in six industries – Finance, Legal, Healthcare, Retail, Government and Energy. The objective was to …

smart toys
Popular smart toys violate children’s privacy rights?

My Friend Cayla and i-Que, two extremely popular “smart” toys manufactured by Los Angeles-based Genesis Toys, do not safeguard basic consumer (and …

mobile device
Corporate data left unprotected in the wild

A new survey conducted by YouGov has highlighted the risks to corporate data from poor encryption, and employee use of unauthorised and inadequately protected devices. The …

Governments are behind on data encryption in the public cloud

A HyTrust survey of 59 government and military organizations found that nearly 20 percent of those respondents do not implement data security or encryption solutions in the …

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