data security

IT professionals believe their data is safer in the cloud than on-premise
Nearly seven in 10 executives and over half of IT professionals revealed that they would prefer having a single cloud services provider handling their varied hosted …

Bored employees seen as biggest potential data security risk
Employees who become distracted at work are more likely to be the cause of human error and a potential security risk, according to a snapshot poll conducted by Centrify at …

1Password Travel Mode protects passwords from border agents
1Password has created Travel Mode, a new feature that will allow users to protect their 1Password data from unwarranted searches when they travel. The need for such a feature …

After a data breach is disclosed, stock prices fall an average of 5%
Data security breaches can negatively impact an entire organization – including sales, marketing and IT – and have a significant negative impact on company …

Data security disruptions can have cascading negative impacts
Nine in 10 global cybersecurity and risk experts believe that cyber risk is systemic and that simultaneous attacks on multiple companies are likely in 2017, according to AIG. …

What healthcare CISOs should know
“Are we more secure today than yesterday?” is the question every healthcare organization needs to asks itself every day. in order to develop a more effective security posture, …

Employees increasingly allowed to move data onto personal mobile devices
Corporate data governance programs are difficult to establish and enforce. For the most part, these programs lack the necessary people, processes and technology to effectively …

Network teams spend more time on data security amidst new threats
Enterprise network teams are expending more time and resources than ever before to battle security threats, according to Viavi Solutions, who surveyed 1,035 CIOs, IT …

Cyber insecurity is pervasive, citizens feeling concerned and vulnerable
More than three-quarters of U.S. citizens (79 percent) are concerned about the privacy and security of their personal digital data, and 63 percent say they would feel more …

Understanding Europe’s insider threats
35% of employees across the UK, France, Germany and Italy admit to have been involved in a security breach, presenting regional CISOs with a significant challenge when it …

Healthcare IT pros believe data is safer in the cloud
Healthcare IT professionals and executives believe overwhelmingly that when facing hardware malfunctions and environmental disasters, their organization’s data is safer …

Cybersecurity today: Turning positive with new thinking and innovation
In this podcast recorded at RSA Conference 2017, Melanie Ensign, Co-Chair for WISP and Head of Security & Privacy Communications at Uber, and Ajay Arora, CEO and founder …