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Google security
Google introduces new protections to prevent app-based account compromise

Google has implemented new protections that should considerably reduce the risk of potentially malicious apps gaining control of users’ Google account. There can be no …

cloud binary
Dow Jones customer data exposed due to cloud misconfiguration

US-based publishing and financial information firm Dow Jones & Company is the latest casualty of a cloud database misconfiguration error. In late May, UpGuard’s …

A UK business will spend more than £1m recovering from a data breach

A UK business would have to spend £1.1m on average to recover from a breach – more than the global average of £1m. An NTT Security study of 1,350 non-IT business decision …

Businesses overconfident about keeping attackers at bay

Despite the increasing number of data breaches and nearly 1.4 billion data records being lost or stolen in 2016, the vast majority of IT professionals still believe perimeter …

Five crucial ways to help keep a system safe from harm

We’re living in an incredible age of technology, invention and innovation. It’s hard to imagine that just a short time ago we couldn’t order groceries for delivery from …

The path to protecting health data: 10 steps to get started

The information in your medical records can be more valuable than your credit card numbers to a cybercriminal. Experts estimate healthcare data is 50 times more valuable to …

Organizations are intimidated by global privacy and data security regulations

While companies generally are aware of and intimidated by global privacy and data security regulations, they fail to properly understand and address necessary organizational …

Largest US voter data leak shines light on many problems

If US citizens weren’t convinced by now that they have long lost control of their data, the fact is more than obvious after a misconfigured database containing 198 …

Sensitive data on 198 million US voters exposed online

For at least two whole weeks, a database containing information on 198 million potential US voters – more than half of the American population – lay exposed on the …

Privacy, security concerns grow for wearables

While Google Glass was not the success Google wanted it to be, there is no doubt that the wearable camera market is growing. People may have not been comfortable with the fact …

DLP APIs: The next frontier for Data Loss Prevention

According to the Breach Level Index, there have been 7,094,922,061 data records lost or stolen since 2013 with 4,417,760 records lost or stolen every day, 184,073 records …

Is Europe ready for GDPR?

What impact will GDPR have on businesses across the UK, France, Belgium and Luxemburg? Vanson Bourne surveyed 625 IT decision makers in four countries and found that the UK is …

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