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insider threat
Insider threats are security’s new reality: Prevention solutions aren’t working

Insider threats expose companies to breaches and put corporate data at risk. New research from Code42 questions whether the right data security solutions are being funded and …

Consumers have concerns about cybersecurity, value education on best practices

Nearly three-quarters of consumers (74%) would be likely to participate in a cybersecurity awareness or education program from their financial institution if they offered it. …

insider threat
Educational organizations massively vulnerable to cyber attacks

The education sector is facing a crisis as schools grapple with high levels of risk exposure – driven in large part by complex IT environments and digitally savvy student …

Security and compliance gaps of ineffective employee onboarding and offboarding

There are significant gaps in the compliant management of employee resources throughout the employment lifecycle. Just 15% of employees have all the resources they require to …

Employee negligence can be a leading contributor to data breaches

Two thirds (68%) of businesses reported their organization has experienced at least one data breach in the past 12 months, and nearly three in four (69%) of those data …

Employees are mistakenly confident that they can spot phishing emails

While a majority (79%) of people say they are able to distinguish a phishing message from a genuine one, nearly half (49%) also admit to having clicked on a link from an …

cloud complexity
Security capabilities are lagging behind cloud adoption

Security professionals regard their existing tools inadequate for securing critical cloud data, even as their organizations invest heavily, with increasing speed, in cloud …

Organizations continue to struggle with privacy regulations

Many organizations’ privacy statements fail to meet common privacy principles outlined in GDPR, CCPA, PIPEDA, including the user’s right to request information, to …

Some IT teams move to the cloud without business oversight or direction

27% of IT teams in the financial industry migrated data to the cloud for no specific reason, and none of them received financial support from management for their cloud …

Businesses facing post breach financial fallout by losing customer trust

44% of Americans, 38% of Brits, 33% of Australians, and 37% of Canadians have been the victim of a data breach, according to newly released research conducted by PCI Pal. The …

Four in five businesses need ways to better secure data without slowing innovation

While data loss protection is critical to Zero Trust (ZT), fewer than one in five organizations report their data loss prevention solutions provide transformational benefits …

Interacting with governments in the digital age: What do citizens think?

Most U.S. citizens acknowledge and accept that state and local government agencies share their personal data, even when it comes to personal information such as criminal …

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