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1.19 billion confidential medical images available on the internet

1.19 billion confidential medical images are now freely available on the internet, according to Greenbone’s research into the security of Picture Archiving and …

Trusted certificates make phishing websites appear valid

There has been a rampant growth of look-alike domains, which are often used to steal sensitive data from online shoppers. Venafi analyzed suspicious domains targeting 20 major …

IT professionals deem hybrid cloud as most secure

Enterprises plan to aggressively shift investment to hybrid cloud architectures, with respondents reporting steady and substantial hybrid deployment plans over the next five …

Top concerns for audit executives? Cyber risks and data governance

As organizations continue to collect customer and employee data, chief audit executives (CAEs) are increasingly concerned about how to govern and protect it. Gartner conducted …

SIEM complexity and cloud visibility put companies at risk

Nearly half of companies are unable to remediate insider threats until after data loss has occurred, a Gurucul survey reveals. The study found that lack of visibility into …

Examining security process maturity in 400 organizations

There’s an overall failure in maturity of security processes of over 400 organizations in industries ranging from e-commerce, retail and payment processor to …

Integrating security into IoT projects is not easy, but it’s increasingly urgent

With an installed base of 44 billion connected devices projected for 2023, the amount of data and information generated and shared will reach zettabytes of data, according to …

Rapid SaaS adoption compounds visibility concerns

The stakes are higher than ever to ensure that their organizations are protected from a security and compliance perspective, but new survey data from Blissfully shows that IT …

A data breach could be game over for a brand

Data security is a legitimate worry for today’s consumers around the world, Ping Identity survey reveals. Approximately one half (49%) of respondents report that they are more …

The Great Hack
Review: The Great Hack

Data is the most valuable asset/resource on Earth. Still, we have little or no control over who is exploiting ours without our consent. That is what the authors, Jehane …

Datto report
1 in 5 SMBs have fallen victim to a ransomware attack

Ransomware remains the most common cyber threat to SMBs, according to a Datto survey of more than 1,400 MSP decision makers that manage the IT systems for …

Majority of IT departments leave major holes in their USB drive security

For the second year in a row, the majority of employers are failing to equip their employees with the appropriate technologies, procedures and policies to ensure data security …

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