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Microsoft Recall
Microsoft revised the controversial Copilot+ Recall feature

Microsoft has made changes to Recall – the screenshot-taking, AI-powered search feature for Copilot+ PCs running Windows 11 – to reassure users worried about …

Joe Baguley
Businesses turn to private AI for enhanced security and data management

In this Help Net Security interview, Joe Baguley, CTO EMEA at Broadcom, shares insights on private AI and its significance in data security. He explains how it helps …

New MIT protocol protects sensitive data during cloud-based computation

Deep-learning models have found applications across various industries, from healthcare diagnostics to financial forecasting. However, their high computational demands often …

Cybersecurity is a fundamental component of patient care and safety

Healthcare institutions are custodians of vast repositories of sensitive patient data, encompassing comprehensive health histories, insurance profiles, and billing data. The …

Human firewalls are essential to keeping SaaS environments safe

Businesses run on SaaS solutions: nearly every business function relies on multiple cloud-based tech platforms and collaborative work tools like Slack, Google Workspace apps, …

To improve your cybersecurity posture, focus on the data

Effectively converging, managing and using enterprise data is a huge undertaking. Enterprises have vast hoards of data, but those hoards exist within siloed systems and …

Insecure file-sharing practices in healthcare put patient privacy at risk

Healthcare organizations continue to put their business and patients at risk of exposing their most sensitive data, according to Metomic. 25% of publicly shared files owned by …

The most urgent security risks for GenAI users are all data-related

Regulated data (data that organizations have a legal duty to protect) makes up more than a third of the sensitive data being shared with GenAI applications—presenting a …

Pranava Adduri
Discover the growing threats to data security

In this Help Net Security interview, Pranava Adduri, CEO at Bedrock Security, discusses how businesses can identify and prioritize their data security risks. Adduri emphasizes …

73% of security pros use unauthorized SaaS applications

73% of security professionals admit to using SaaS applications that had not been provided by their company’s IT team in the past year, according to Next DLP. Unauthorized tool …

quantum computing
Preparing for Q-Day as NIST nears approval of PQC standards

Q-Day—the day when a cryptographically relevant quantum computer can break most forms of modern encryption—is fast approaching, leaving the complex systems our societies rely …

Microsoft Recall
Microsoft delays Windows Recall rollout, more security testing needed

Microsoft is delaying the release of Recall, a controversial Windows 11 feature that will allow users to search their computer for specific content that has previously been …

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