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cloud binary
Most cloud services still not GDPR-ready

With the compliance deadline for the GDPR fast approaching in May 2018, a new Netskope report took a close look at GDPR readiness among enterprise cloud services, finding …

Confusion and lack of preparation in the face of looming GDPR deadline

With the GDPR deadline set for 25 May next year, many organisations are ill-prepared due to uncertainty about the criteria for compliance. 37 percent of respondents to a …

Why end-to-end encryption is about more than just privacy

The question of whether regular people need end-to-end encryption will surely be debated for quite some time. But for Alan Duric, CEO and co-founder of Wire, the question can …

Only 2% of “GDPR-ready” organizations are actually compliant

Only nine percent of UK organizations that believe they are prepared for the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) actually are, new research from Veritas has found. In …

airport security
US Border Patrol isn’t allowed to search travelers’ data stored in the cloud

When searching travelers’ mobile phones at the border, US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers do not have the authority to rifle through data stored solely on …

Why companies shouldn’t dread the advent of GDPR

The main aim of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is to make sure that the data of EU citizens is protected, no matter where it’s held. The regulation, which will …

Privacy Shield
UK ICO offers grants for practical privacy research

The UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has launched a Grants Programme to promote and support independent, innovative research and solutions focused on privacy and …

Moving towards compliance: GDPR issues and challenges

In this podcast, Mike McCandless, VP of Sales and Marketing for Apricorn, and Jon Fielding, Managing Director for Apricorn EMEA, discuss the European Union General Data …

Intelligence data, security credentials found exposed in the Amazon cloud

A data cache containing highly sensitive US military data has inadvertently been exposed online, UpGuard cyber risk analyst Chris Vickery has discovered last week. After …

As GDPR deadline looms, time for compliance is running out

GDPR is a game-changing piece of data protection legislation that goes into effect on May 25, 2018. While the legislation includes various components related to how …

Employees increasingly allowed to move data onto personal mobile devices

Corporate data governance programs are difficult to establish and enforce. For the most part, these programs lack the necessary people, processes and technology to effectively …

A third of employees say it’s common to take corporate data with them when leaving a company

Today’s workforce is caught between two imperatives: be productive and efficient on the job and maintain the security of company data. The results of a recent end-user …

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