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Exploring the proper use of pseudonymisation related to personal data

In the light of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the challenge of proper application of pseudonymisation to personal data is gradually becoming a highly debated …

Despite potential fines, GDPR compliance rate remains low

58% of surveyed businesses worldwide failed to address requests made from individuals seeking to obtain a copy of their personal data as required by GDPR within the one-month …

There’s no way to fill the data skills gap, what now?

A recent survey of 100 UK CIOs found that 76% are worried about recruiting the IT staff they need to remain competitive. They’re right to be worried. The European Commission …

Most businesses have yet to allocate a CCPA compliance budget

Only 15% of organizations report having a mature approach to data privacy, 59% have yet to allocate budget to CCPA compliance, and 58% are currently using or will look to …

SoniTalk: A new method for near-field communication

The technology is available for free and – contrary to similar technologies – focuses on security and data protection. In this way, SoniTalk leaves it up to the …

identity theft
Growing complexity is driving operational changes to privacy programs

A majority of companies are adopting a single global data protection strategy to manage evolving privacy programs, and that managing the expanding ecosystem of third parties …

Top concerns for audit executives? Cyber risks and data governance

As organizations continue to collect customer and employee data, chief audit executives (CAEs) are increasingly concerned about how to govern and protect it. Gartner conducted …

Examining security process maturity in 400 organizations

There’s an overall failure in maturity of security processes of over 400 organizations in industries ranging from e-commerce, retail and payment processor to …

Capgemini report
Companies vastly overestimating their GDPR readiness, only 28% achieving compliance

Over a year on from the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Capgemini Research Institute has found that companies vastly overestimated their …

Some IT teams move to the cloud without business oversight or direction

27% of IT teams in the financial industry migrated data to the cloud for no specific reason, and none of them received financial support from management for their cloud …

More than a year after GDPR implementation, half of UK businesses are not fully compliant

52% of UK businesses are not fully compliant with the regulation, more than a year after its implementation, according to a survey of UK GDPR decision-makers conducted on …

Should social media organizations be subject to strict privacy regulation?

80% of IT security professionals agree that more security and privacy legislation is needed, especially for social media organizations that store personal data. However, …

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