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European users can request a copy of the data Apple keeps on them

Apple has set up a Data and Privacy portal where users can make a request to download all the data Apple has on them, correct their personal information, deactivate or delete …

Careless researchers expose millions of Facebook users’ sensitive data

If you needed another reason to stop sharing intimate information with apps on Facebook or Facebook itself, consider this newest revelation: academics at the University of …

UK High Court rules part of Snoopers’ Charter incompatible with EU law

The UK High Court has ruled that part of the Investigatory Powers Act 2016 (nicknamed Snoopers’ Charter) is incompatible with European Union law and the European …

LocalBlox found leaking info on tens of millions of individuals

LocalBlox, a US-based data technology company that “crawls, discovers, extracts, indexes, maps and augments data in a variety of formats from the web and from exchange …

Information security can enable business as soon as we change the conversation

Information security is an enabler for business. This has been a mantra for some time, and although it is repeated at major conferences, the reality is that the lack of good …

Cambridge Analytica
Cambridge Analytica and Facebook’s privacy storm: Latest developments

A day before the most recent exposé on Strategic Communication Laboratories (SCL)/Cambridge Analytica’s exploitation of user data syphoned out of Facebook to fuel …

Criminals can build Web dossiers with data collected by browsers

Everybody knows by now that websites collect information about users’ location, visited pages, and other data that can help them improve or monetize the experience. But …

Vizio Smart TV
Five smart TVs tested for security, privacy issues

As more and more smart TVs are sold worldwide, consumers should be aware of the risks associated with this technology. Consumer Union, a US-based nonprofit organization …

Ad targeters exploit browsers’ password managers to track users online

Ad targeters are exploiting browsers’ built-in login managers to covertly collect hashes of users’ email addresses, to be used to track them across the web. …

location services
Google knows where Android users are even if they disable location services

As it turns out, turning off location services on Android devices does not mean that Google can’t pinpoint your location. According to a recent Quartz report, since the …

Sites using session replay scripts leak sensitive user data

When we enter sensitive information – our names, passwords, payment card information, medical information, what have you – into websites, we do it with the …

Fake LinkedIn emails phishing job seekers

Fake LinkedIn emails are hitting inboxes, trying to get recipients to hand over their CVs. The scammers are trying to impersonate the popular employment-oriented social …

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