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How cybersecurity mismanagement can destroy value

Cyber security remains a critical business challenge and a growing concern with a potentially devastating impact on company brands and bottom lines. Despite these damaging …

Companies are unprepared to protect key assets

Knowledge assets are confidential information critical to a company’s core business – other than personal information that would trigger notice requirements under …

Challenges of cybersecurity due diligence in the acquisition process

Acquirers are increasingly aware of the need for vigorous cybersecurity due diligence in M&A, yet often lack the proper personnel to conduct thorough analyses, according …

Overreliance on perimeter-based defense creates opportunities for attackers

RSA has announced the results of research that demonstrates organizations in Asia Pacific & Japan (APJ) investing in detection and response technologies are better poised …

Cybersecurity concern continues to rise

A new Black Hat report reveals some critical concerns about the information security industry and emerging cyber risks faced by today’s enterprises. In 2015, Black Hat …

3d printing
Cybersecurity risks in 3D printing

3D printing (i.e. additive manufacturing) is a $4 billion business set to quadruple by 2020. Additive manufacturing builds a product from a computer assisted design (CAD) file …

Manage cybersecurity risk by restoring defense-in-depth’s promise

Cybersecurity spending continues to soar, as the current, $75.4 billion worldwide market will increase to $101 billion by 2018, according to projections from Gartner. But how …

Users lock
What happens to consumer trust when a business is breached?

In this podcast recorded at Infosecurity Europe 2016, Bill Mann, Chief Product Officer at Centrify, talks about what happens to consumer trust when a business is breached. The …

EU to invest €450 million in cybersecurity research

The European Commission launched a new public-private partnership on cybersecurity that is expected to trigger €1.8 billion of investment by 2020. The EU cybersecurity …

Industrialisation of cybercrime is disrupting digital enterprises

Only a fifth of IT decision makers in large multinational corporations are confident that their organisation is fully prepared against the threat of cybercriminals. The vast …

Half of SMBs experienced a breach in the past year

More than 50% of SMBs have been breached in the last 12 months, according to a North American study by the the Ponemon Institute. No business is too small to evade a cyber …

As threats evolve, faster response times are essential

Two thirds of respondents to a global survey by the Business Continuity Institute reported that they had experienced at least one cyber incident during the previous twelve …

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Cybersecurity news