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Sophisticated threats? It’s usually the basic ones that get you

To listen to the headlines, the threats we face today are so sophisticated and intense, they can only be evaded with the help of artificial intelligence and machine learning. …

Three out of four DDoS attacks target multiple vectors

Three out of every four DDoS attacks employed blended, multi-vector approaches in the second quarter of 2017, according to Nexusguard. Distribution of DDoS attack vectors The …

Industry reactions to the Deloitte cyber attack

Deloitte has been targeted in an attack that compromised the emails and plans of some of its clients. Here are some of the industry comments Help Net Security received …

Cyber threat analysis in complex adaptive systems

The use of wartime analogies in cybersecurity is common in our industry. Sun Tzu is often quoted in presentations and papers to emphasize an author’s key point. I will spare …

Three things to know about the dark web

One of the more curious aspects about the dark web is that it didn’t start out as such a dark place: it began with bulletin boards in the 80s and 90s – the markets of …

Legacy networks holding back cloud and digital transformation

A new global survey by Riverbed Technology, which includes responses from 1,000 IT decision makers across nine countries, revealed an incredible level of agreement that legacy …

Maintaining Windows 10 security tops list of enterprise challenges

Companies are experiencing significant challenges in their attempts to keep their endpoints secure. Maintaining Windows 10 security topped the list of challenges with over …

The evolving nature of the CISO role

As IT security increasingly becomes a priority, CISOs’ influence within companies is growing. However, security strategy in many organizations is still largely reactive and …

war games
The three least effective enterprise security measures

Fifty-nine percent of respondents to a Bitglass survey at Black Hat USA 2017 identified phishing as the best data exfiltration strategy, as human error and ignorance will …

Infosec weakest links: Negligent employees and poor password policies

54% of respondents to a Ponemon Institute study that involved more than 1,000 IT professionals said negligent employees were the root cause of a data breach. Password …

Digital future: Are we ready for what’s next?

The Internet Society (ISOC), a global non-profit dedicated to ensuring the open development, evolution and use of the Internet, released “Paths to our Digital …

cloud binary
Most cloud services still not GDPR-ready

With the compliance deadline for the GDPR fast approaching in May 2018, a new Netskope report took a close look at GDPR readiness among enterprise cloud services, finding …

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