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CERT updates insider threat guidebook

The CERT Division of the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) at Carnegie Mellon University released the fifth edition of the Common Sense Guide to Mitigating Insider Threats. …

Security practices need to evolve in order to handle complex threats

There is no one-size-fits-all security solution to address the threat landscape today’s businesses face. Each organization has unique security obstacles and obligations. …

Why you need a tailored application security program

For companies that provide applications to their customers, keeping those applications secure is a must. Setting up an application security program is the next logical step, …

Recommendations to help the security of ICS-SCADA systems

The use of long-range communication networks, and specially the Internet, has revolutionised ICS-SCADA systems and architectures. The use of network communication in these …

AppSec teams facing resourcing issues that are making them vulnerable

A new Bugcrowd study of one hundred CISOs revealed that 94 percent are concerned about breaches in their publicly facing assets in the next 12 months, particularly within …

CSOs reveal true cost of breaches

Over one-third of organizations that experienced a breach in 2016 reported substantial customer, opportunity and revenue loss of more than 20 percent, according to the Cisco …

Why companies shouldn’t feel helpless in the fight against ransomware

According to recent reports, ransomware is now a billion dollar business for cybercriminals. Attackers are honing in on the weak spots of organisations; human behaviour …

Six best practices for managing cyber alerts

Security professionals know that the number of cyber alerts is growing at a frantic pace. Even a mid-sized company can face tens of thousands of alerts every month. As the …

Irregular application testing: App security in healthcare

Nearly half (45%) of NHS trusts scan for application vulnerabilities just once a year, with less only 8% doing so on a daily basis, according to Veracode. This potentially …

Machine learning in cybersecurity will boost big data, intelligence, and analytics spending

Cyber threats are an ever-present danger to global economies and are projected to surpass the trillion dollar mark in damages within the next year. As a result, the …

Is it time to call an MSSP? Five signs that it can’t wait

Small and midsize businesses (SMBs) are fighting an uphill battle when it comes to managing their network security. According to a 2016 Ponemon study, 69 percent of SMBs don’t …

Increasingly sophisticated attacks call for advanced protection tools

A new NTT Security report underscores the need for more advanced tools to protect organizations’ data and networks from the evolving tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) …

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