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Are legacy technologies a threat to EU’s telecom infrastructure?

Telecommunications is a key infrastructure based on how our society works. It constitutes the main instrument that allows our democracy and our EU core values such as freedom, …

Most healthcare pros believe their organizations adequately protect patient data

Most of the healthcare professionals polled remain confident regarding their own organization’s cyber security protocols despite apprehensions connected with their own …

Secure software development practices for developers, organizations and technology users

SAFECode announced today the publication of the Fundamental Practices for Secure Software Development: Essential Elements of a Secure Development Life Cycle Program (Third …

Nation-state hackers are attacking our trust in critical systems

In the last few years, the lines between cyber criminals and nation-states have become increasingly blurry and it has become obvious that the private sector is not capable of …

Are there too many cybersecurity companies?

The most potent global threat in 2018 may not be armed conflict or civil unrest, but cybersecurity. While cybersecurity awareness has increased with high profile breaches in …

crypto currency
Crypto mining runs rampant in higher education: Is it students?

The higher education sector exhibited a startling increase in potentially damaging cryptocurrency mining behaviors, according to Vectra. The Attacker Behavior Industry Report …

Macro-less word document attacks on the rise

WatchGuard released its Internet Security Report for Q4 2017. Among the report’s most notable findings, threat intelligence showed that total malware attacks are up by …

The current state of USB data protection

Data protection, whether related to personal customer or patient information, is critical across virtually all industries. So how can organizations best protect their most …

Worldwide spending on security solutions to reach $91 billion in 2018

Worldwide spending on security-related hardware, software, and services is forecast to reach $91.4 billion in 2018, an increase of 10.2% over the amount spent in 2017. This …

mobile user
Businesses suspect their mobile workers are being hacked

More than half (57%) of organisations suspect their mobile workers have been hacked or caused a mobile security issue in the last 12 months, according to the iPass Mobile …

Compliance functions make a turn towards innovation-fueled strategies

Faced with growing threats of ‘industry shocks’ such as cyber fraud, cryptocurrency, quantum computing and open banking, financial institutions expect to increase their …

Organizations blame legacy antivirus protection for failed ransomware prevention

More than half (53 percent) of U.S. organizations that were infected with ransomware blamed legacy antivirus protection for failing to prevent the attack, according to …

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