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Hacker-powered security is reaching critical mass

HackerOne announced findings from the 2018 Hacker-Powered Security Report, based on over 72,000 resolved security vulnerabilities, 1,000 customer programs and more than $31 …

Do advances in voice technology pose a threat to enterprise security?

A new study from Aeriandi has highlighted UK organisations’ contradictory attitudes towards the voice channel, increasing the chances of their customers’, employees’ and …

Innovation in healthcare: A hacker’s dream and CISO’s nightmare?

It’s hard not to be excited about artificial intelligence and machine learning in pure technology terms, but applying these innovations to the healthcare sector has the …

Not enough CISOs and business leaders cooperate on a cybersecurity plan and budget

With the proliferation of more and more sensitive data, expanding connectivity, and the adoption of automated processes, new research from Accenture reveals that C-suite and …

SonicWall report
Ransomware back in big way, 181.5 million attacks since January

SonicWall announces record numbers for malware volume, ransomware attacks, encrypted threats and chip-based attacks in the mid-year update of the 2018 SonicWall Cyber Threat …

How to allocate budget for a well-rounded cybersecurity portfolio

Getting the C-levels to approve an IT security budget is probably one of the most difficult and exasperating tasks that security professionals and IT managers have to do each …

Gemalto survey
Businesses collect more data than they can handle, only half know where sensitive data is stored

With pressure to ensure consumer data is protected mounting, Gemalto today released the results of a global study which reveals that 65% are unable to analyze all the data …

Is Windows ShimCache a threat hunting goldmine?

Enterprise-wide threat hunting sounds like a daunting task and for inexperienced forensic analysts it certainly can be. However, there are various techniques that can be used …

Sumo Logic: What can you learn from our approach to GDPR?

Sumo Logic was founded in 2010 by experts in log management, scalable systems, big data, and security. Today, their purpose-built, cloud-native service analyzes more than 100 …

WP Security Audit Log: Keeping a watchful eye on your WordPress sites

WordPress is, without a doubt, the most popular website management system in use. The latest statistics put the number of websites running on WordPress over 60 million, and …

Rules automation puts the “Sec” in DevSecOps

Imagine if safety were an afterthought in automobiles: Manufacturers would create a pristine new car and then hand it off to the safety team…which would bolt airbags onto the …

New insider attack steals passwords by reading thermal energy from keyboards

After entering a password, your regular computer keyboard might appear to look the same as always, but a new approach harvesting thermal energy can illuminate the recently …

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