
Back to school: Lessons in endpoint security
It’s back to school season, and students, teachers and administrators are returning to campuses and classrooms. All of those students and staffers are working on desktops and …

How metrics can enhance the effectiveness of security programs
For anyone responsible for maintaining their organization’s security posture, the findings from the SANS 2018 Security Operations Center (SOC) Survey should come as no …

Qualys Community Edition: Discover IT assets, manage vulnerabilities, scan web apps
In this podcast recorded at Black Hat USA 2018, Anthony Mogannam, Product Manager, SME/SMB Solutions at Qualys, talks about issues related to open source software and Qualys …

How leadership implements cyber resiliency across their organizations
A majority of executives around the world feel they face a “specialist-generalist” dilemma as to whom leads on cyber resiliency due to its critical nature across …

IT security teams are being locked out of IoT projects
Trend Micro revealed that organizations around the world are exposing themselves to unnecessary cyber risk by failing to give IT security teams a voice when planning IoT …

Software-defined networking is turning concern about security in the cloud on its head
In an era when enterprises always have to grapple with processing large amount of information through big data technology, security has emerged as the most important measure …

There are no real shortcuts to most security problems
For Xerox Chief Information Security Officer Dr. Alissa Johnson, human ingenuity, partnerships and automation are the answer to most security problems the company has …

Ransomware is a big problem, but it’s also a big opportunity for MSPs to educate clients
While large-scale attacks such as WannaCry make headlines, ransomware attacks are just as likely to happen among small businesses as they are large enterprises. According to …

Less than a third of companies have dedicated cybersecurity insurance
Only one third of senior executives in UK organisations admit their company insurance currently covers them for a security breach and for the financial impact of data loss, …

Number of smartphone users relying on software-only biometric security to grow 250%
A new report from Juniper Research predicts that the biggest shift in mobile payment security will be the move towards software-based methods, which rely on standard …

The anatomy of fake news: Rise of the bots
Spreading misinformation has become a mainstream topic to the extent that even the term ‘Twitter bot’ is a well-recognised term establishing itself into the modern lexicon. …

80% of enterprises struggle to protect machine identities
Ninety-six percent of companies believe that effective protection of machine and human identities are equally important to the long-term security and viability of their …