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How corporate boards are navigating cybersecurity risks and data privacy

Digital transformation initiatives have transcended beyond the sole domain of IT to involve the entire organization, elevating digital strategy to the top of the board agenda, …

Few organizations use cyber wargaming to practice response plan

Nearly half (46 percent) of executive-level respondents to a Deloitte poll say their organizations have experienced a cybersecurity incident over the past year, with more than …

USA flag
2018 US voter records offered for sale on hacking forum

Somebody is selling US voter registration databases on an English-language speaking dark web hacker forum and the offer comes with the promise they will be updated every week, …

9 in 10 organizations have a cybersecurity culture gap

With cybersecurity threats continuing to escalate worldwide, the ISACA/CMMI Institute Cybersecurity Culture Report found that just 5 percent of employees think their …

You are who you say you are: Establishing digital trust with the blockchain

Over the last few years, blockchain use has gained popularity driven partly by the interest in cryptocurrency, but mostly with the growing understanding of what distributed …

Exploring the current state of employee knowledge in cybersecurity and data privacy

Seventy-five percent of professionals pose a moderate or severe risk to the corporate data of the companies they work for. According to MediaPRO’s third-annual State of …

Legacy government networks stifle cloud migration

67 percent of government agencies’ legacy network infrastructures are simply not prepared to handle the cloud migration lift or keep pace with the changing demands of cloud …

The future of OT security in modern industrial operations

Both the likelihood and consequences of cyberattacks to OT/ICS components continue to grow for modern industrial operations. In this podcast, Andrew Ginter, VP of Industrial …

Scaling the IoT product security lifecycle with automation

Recent events around the globe once again shine a limelight on the security issues the IoT community is facing. From claimed attacks on chlorine plants in Ukraine to potential …

Stringent password rules lower risk of personal data breaches

The all-too-common practice of using the same email address/password combination to log into multiple websites can be damaging, especially for employers with many users and …

Every month should be Cyber Security Awareness Month

In 2004, October was deemed National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM). This was an initiative promoted by the National Cyber Security Division (NCSD) within the …

Securing campus networks became more challenging

The results of a global Infoblox survey on the state of network security at higher education institutions reveals that 81 percent of IT professionals believe securing campus …

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