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66.1% of vulnerabilities published through Q3 2018 have a documented solution

There have been 16,172 vulnerabilities disclosed through October 29th, which is a 7% decrease from the high record reported last year at this time. The 16,172 vulnerabilities …

Only 14% have complete organizational awareness of IoT threats

86 percent of IT and security decision makers across the globe believe their organization needs to improve its awareness of IoT threats, according to Trend Micro. This …

Specops Password Policy
Review: Specops Password Policy

All who work in the information security industry agree that passwords are one of the worst security nightmares of the modern information security age. Having weak passwords …

mobile work
Remote working may boost productivity, but also leave you vulnerable to attack

New flexible working practices could pose a security risk to small businesses, with one in five of employees (21%) stating they are most productive when working in public …

In a post-EMV world, fraud is shifting from in-person to ecommerce channels

Three years after the switch to new chip-based credit and debit cards, a study by the National Retail Federation and Forrester says payment card fraud is still a top concern …

Vaporworms: New breed of self-propagating fileless malware to emerge in 2019

WatchGuard Technologies’ information security predictions for 2019 include the emergence of vaporworms, a new breed of fileless malware with wormlike properties to …

Online shoppers continue to engage in risky behavior

Findings from a new McAfee survey reveal the risky habits of online shoppers, including using unsecured Wi-Fi for online shopping and purchasing items from online retailers …

What senior finance executives think about payments security

A WEX survey of more than 1,000 CFOs and senior financial executives from the U.S., Europe and Asia/Oceana revealed that for this group, security is paramount in payments …

Cloud interoperability and app mobility outrank cost and security for primary hybrid cloud benefits

Enterprises plan to increase hybrid cloud usage, with 91% stating hybrid cloud as the ideal IT model, but only 18% stating they have that model today, according to Nutanix. …

Organizations unable to achieve business resilience against cyber threats

The Resilience Gap study, which surveyed over 4,000 business decision makers across the United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany and Japan found that while 96% of the …

Law legislation
Law firms are increasingly investing in cybersecurity programs

Logicforce released the results of its most recent Law Firm Cybersecurity Scorecard, a periodic study designed to assess cybersecurity preparedness across the legal industry …

Online shopping fraud to surge during Black Friday and Cyber Monday

New benchmark data from ACI Worldwide revealed a projected 14 percent increase in fraud attempts during the upcoming 2018 peak holiday season. Based on hundreds of millions of …

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