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What does it take to be an infosec product strategist?

Choosing a security product that will best fit your organization’s needs is a challenge exacerbated by the “polluted, turbulent sea of ineffectual security …

Security spring cleaning: 5 tips for tidying up network safeguards

Networks need regular cleaning just like your home, car or garage. Why? The answer is simple – poor security hygiene can lead to major data breaches. If you don’t …

Cybersecurity, privacy and technologies still top challenges for IT audit teams and leaders

Cybersecurity, privacy and technologies—from mission-critical to digitally transformative—top the list of challenges IT audit teams and leaders grapple with every day, …

Employees are aware of USB drive security risks, but don’t follow best practices

Employees are aware of the risks associated with inadequate USB drive security – yet their employers aren’t mandating following best practices, according to a report by …

Prioritizing risks in a climate of geopolitical threats

The cybersecurity landscape has become increasingly hostile in recent years, with a growing threat from common cybercriminals as well as the looming shadow of state-level …

The lurking danger of hacked email reply chains

Although phishing has been around in various forms since the 1990s, recent news has shown that it continues to evolve – and remains a major threat. These days, phishing …

Cybersecurity skills shortage still the root cause of rising security incidents

The cybersecurity skills shortage is worsening for the third year in a row and has impacted nearly three quarters (74 percent) of organizations, as revealed in the third …

While data enables innovation, its vulnerability continues to cause anxiety among IT leaders

Today’s technology landscape demands that companies determine how to manage and secure data in a connected ecosystem, as well as embrace it to create competitive advantages. …

What CISOs should focus on when deciding on a strategy

The effectiveness of an organization’s security strategy and implementation can sometimes be difficult to assess. Michael Hamilton, President and CISO of CI Security, …

Tips to spring clean your company’s social media and stay protected

With springtime comes warmer weather, sunnier days, and—somewhat inexplicably—the urge to purge. And while many will budget extra time to clear out closets or downsize their …

A deeper look: How the 281 data breaches in Q1 2019 will impact companies

High-profile data breaches show no sign of slowing down. In the first quarter of 2019, there were 281 reported data breaches, exposing more than 4.53 billion records. …

Three ways GDPR benefits US companies

It’s hard to believe we’ve almost reached the one-year anniversary of the date the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) went into effect. Leading up to that May 25, 2018 …

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