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3,813 breaches were reported through June 30, exposing over 4.1 billion records

The number of reported breaches has gone up by 54% and the number of exposed records by 52% compared to the first six months of 2018 according to the 2019 MidYear QuickView …

Threat actors are adapting and switching their operations strategically and technically

Cybercrime campaigns and high-profile advanced persistent threat groups are shifting how they target victims and focusing more on intricate relationships with “secure …

Digital transformation helps companies work smarter yet makes them vulnerable to breaches

While digital transformation helps companies work smarter, there is a risk that the ongoing digitization may unlock a host of security vulnerabilities that can cost companies …

Extending security to fourth parties your business needs, but doesn’t control

While there is much discussion about the data security and privacy risks created by third parties, another source of risk can be significant but overlooked: that from fourth …

AI vs. AI: Cybersecurity battle royale

David and Goliath. The Invasion of Normandy. No matter the generation, we all know some of the storied battles that have withstood the test of time. In cyberspace, however, …

A compendium of container escapes

In this Help Net Security podcast recorded at Black Hat USA 2019, Brandon Edwards, Chief Scientist at Capsule8, talks about about a compendium of container escapes, and the …

magnifying glass
Organizations that scan applications in production have a reduced risk of being breached

Despite a significantly increased focus on application security testing, remediation rates for vulnerabilities continue to shrink, according to WhiteHat Security. Setu …

crypto currency
Thefts from cryptocurrency exchanges continue despite increased security

Although exchanges, wallets and other cryptocurrency custody services are strengthening their defenses, attackers continue to innovate and outpace even the current state of …

The changing face of DDoS attacks: Degraded performance instead of total takedown

The number of DDoS attacks might be getting higher, but they are not all massive nor do they always trigger DDoS defenses. In fact, small-scale DDoS attacks are becoming more …

Optimizing the patch management process

In this podcast recorded at Black Hat USA 2019, Jimmy Graham, Senior Director of Product Management at Qualys, discusses the importance of a tailored patch management process. …

identity theft
Protecting your organization against privileged identity theft

What do the top data breaches of the 21st century have in common? Privileged identity abuse. In these breach instances, well-resourced, external actors were able to gain the …

identity theft
Link between personality type and vulnerabilities to cybercrime

Only four in 10 (42%) businesses focus on compliance training as part of their cybersecurity protocol to ensure sensitive data is kept secure, reports ESET. More worryingly, …

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