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connected car
As car manufacturers focus on connectivity, hackers begin to exploit flaws

Car manufacturers offer more software features to consumers than ever before, and increasingly popular autonomous vehicles that require integrated software introduce security …

magnifying glass
Key challenges impacting IT audit pros navigating an evolving risk landscape

Protiviti and ISACA surveyed 2,252 chief audit executives (CAEs), internal audit professionals and IT audit vice presidents and directors worldwide. Asked to identify their …

MSPs face increased risks and opportunities to rethink cybersecurity

Managed service providers (MSPs) and their small-and medium-sized business (SMB) customers lack the tools and resources needed to sufficiently defend against rising …

Datto report
1 in 5 SMBs have fallen victim to a ransomware attack

Ransomware remains the most common cyber threat to SMBs, according to a Datto survey of more than 1,400 MSP decision makers that manage the IT systems for …

Executives are not actively engaged in ensuring the effectiveness of cybersecurity strategy

There’s a clear lack of accountability, especially on the board and among C-suite executives, and a lack of confidence in determining the efficacy of security …

Code dependency mapping’s role in securing enterprise software

Enterprise software is only as good as its security. Today, a data breach costs $3.92 million on average. Organizations are expected to spend $124 billion on security in 2019 …

Microsegmentation for refining safety systems

When the TRITON (aka TRISIS) attack struck three refining sites in the Middle East in November of 2017, it was the first known cyber incident to target safety instrumented …

shadow IT
When properly managed, shadow IT can benefit your organization

77 percent of IT professionals believe their organizations could earn an edge if company leaders were more collaborative with their businesses to find shadow IT solutions, …

How seriously are businesses taking their PKI security?

While most enterprises demonstrate a committed effort towards maintaining a well-rounded PKI setup, they still fall short in several key categories. The post-Black Hat survey …

“Smart city” governments should also be smart about security

While the definition of “smart city” is still under debate, one thing is indisputable: the technologies used to make smart cities a reality are currently acquired …

Viewing cybersecurity incidents as normal accidents

As we continue on through National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM), a time to focus on how cybersecurity is a shared responsibility that affects all Americans, one of …

Most expect the risk of privileged user abuse to increase

Insufficient privileged access management (PAM) practices continue to be a critical challenge for many organizations despite significant risks of data breaches and security …

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