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Security flaw could turn load balancers into beachheads for cyber attacks

Cyber security provider F-Secure is advising organizations using F5 Networks’ BIG-IP load balancer, which is popular amongst governments, banks, and other large corporations, …

breach prevention systems
Which are the most capable breach prevention systems?

NSS Labs released its Analysis of Breach Prevention Systems (BPS) – solution suites, involving endpoint, network, sandbox, cloud, and other integrated protections. …

What’s cybercriminals’ most effective weapon in a ransomware attack?

Cybercriminals’ most effective weapon in a ransomware attack is the network itself, which enables the malicious encryption of shared files on network servers, especially files …

Embracing the cloud and meeting its security demands

If you want to build a career in information security, there’s no shortage of diverse roles you can aim for. Whether you’ll end up doing that or something else …

Prevent lateral attacks inside the data center with a defense-in-depth hardware layer

IT departments tend to be concerned primarily with cybersecurity attacks that originate from outside the enterprise, known as a “north-south” attacks. This often leaves them …

online shop owned
Online skimming: An emerging threat that requires urgent awareness and attention

A growing threat that all merchants and service providers should be aware of is web-based or online skimming. These attacks infect e-commerce websites with malicious code, …

Security orchestration and automation checklist: How to choose the right vendor

Faced up against the well-chronicled global skills shortage, the ceaseless bombardment of security alerts and the hodgepodge of security tools unable to communicate with each …

FSI organizations are failing to assess their software for security vulnerabilities before release

More than half of organizations have experienced theft of sensitive customer data or system failure and downtime because of insecure software or technology, a Synopsys report …

The persistent struggle to improve SOC productivity reveals the need for newer SIEM technologies

On average, security personnel in U.S. enterprises waste approximately 25 percent of their time chasing false positives because security alerts or indicators of compromise …

Five examples of user-centered bank fraud

In today’s digital-first world, banks and financial service companies need to allow their customers to easily manage money online in order to compete. Unfortunately, most …

Many companies don’t know the depth of their IoT-related risk exposure

In the digital age, cyber is everywhere. Cyber risk now permeates nearly every aspect of how we live and work. Organizations should better understand how to manage the risks …

Passion, ingenuity and hard work: The cybersecurity startup story of Israel

According to Start-Up Nation Central (SNC), there are currently 400 cybersecurity start-ups operating in Israel. In 2018, they raised over $1.2 billion in 96 rounds of …

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