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Consumers concerned about privacy but willing to take risks for convenience

In today’s connected world, businesses are prime targets for cyber attacks and unintentional missteps can result in critical exposure of consumers’ sensitive personal …

The CIO’s greatest roadblock to Agile development: Security governance

Today, the greatest roadblock CIOs face when adopting Agile development is not ‘security in general,’ but ‘security governance.’ We can define ‘security governance’ as the …

Encryption deployment increases as organizations struggle to address compliance requirements

As organizations embrace the cloud and new digital initiatives such as the IoT, blockchain and digital payments the use of trusted cryptography to protect their applications …

90% of companies interested in crowdsourced security programs

The evolving threat landscape and perennial cybersecurity challenges are giving rise to community-based programs such as crowdsourced cybersecurity, an important evolution …

Main threat source to industrial computers? Mass-distributed malware

Malicious cyber activities on Industrial Control System (ICS) computers are considered an extremely dangerous threat as they could potentially cause material losses and …

Organizations investing in security analytics and machine learning to tackle cyberthreats

IT security’s greatest inhibitor to success is contending with too much security data. To address this challenge, 47 percent of IT security professionals acknowledged their …

Serverless, shadow APIs and Denial of Wallet attacks

In this Help Net Security podcast, Doug Dooley, Chief Operating Officer at Data Theorem, discusses serverless computing, a new area that both DevOps leaders and enterprise …

CyberArk report
Enterprises fear disruption to business critical applications, yet don’t prioritize securing them

The majority of organizations (nearly 70 percent) do not prioritize the protection of the applications that their business depend on – such as ERP and CRM systems – any …

Lessons learned from the many crypto hacks

The one poignant lesson that crypto investors globally have learned over the years is that despite the immutable, impenetrable nature of the technology behind cryptocurrencies …

CIOs admit certificate-related outages routinely impact critical business applications and services

Certificate-related outages harm the reliability and availability of vital network systems and services while also being extremely difficult to diagnose and remediate. …

Identify web application vulnerabilities and prioritize fixes with Netsparker

In this Help Net Security podcast, Ferruh Mavituna, CEO at Netsparker, talks about web application security and how Netsparker is helping businesses of any size keep their web …

When it comes to file sharing, the cloud has very few downsides

Organizations storing data and documents they work on in the cloud is a regular occurrence these days. The cloud offers scalability in terms of storage and cloud services …

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