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You can’t fix what you can’t see: A new way of looking at network performance

Network performance, or the service quality of a business’ network, is critical to running a successful enterprise. Imagine the cost to an organization when the corporate …

Employers should develop cybersecurity protocols and invest more in employee training programs

Organizations want to trust their employees when it comes to cybersecurity, but to do so, they need to better leverage technology. The ObserveIT global survey of 600 IT …

Nearly half of firms suffer data breaches at hands of vendors

As trusted partners, third-party vendors often become the overlooked or unwitting accomplice in criminal activities. As privacy laws and cybersecurity regulations continue to …

What you can expect at HITBSecConf2019 Amsterdam

Taking place across 5 days from the 6th till the 10th of May 2019, HITBSecConf2019 Amsterdam is one of the most prestigious cybersecurity events in Europe. With the event …

Research on private key generation reveals theft of ETH funds from accounts with discoverable keys

Researchers at Independent Security Evaluators (ISE) have discovered 732 actively used private keys on the Ethereum blockchain. In their new study titled Ethercombing, ISE …

The foundation: Quantifying risk with focused security measurement

When you hear “quantify risk,” you might think it’s the buzz-term du jour. You might be right. Risk quantification is a hot topic right now. It seems everyone who touches …

Attackers are weaponizing more vulnerabilities than ever before

2018 had the most weaponized vulnerabilities ever (177), which represents a 139% increase compared to 2017, according to the RiskSense latest report. In addition, the rate of …

Scientists may have identified a new way to improve network security

With cybersecurity one of the nation’s top security concerns and billions of people affected by breaches last year, government and businesses are spending more time and …

As bad bots grow more sophisticated, so does the number of industries impacted by them

Bot attack sophistication continues to evolve, as advanced attackers learn to adapt their techniques in order to invalidate existing defense tactics, according to Distil …

DevSecOps: Fast development without sacrificing safety

DevOps has been a boon to companies looking to shorten the systems development cycle, pushing software developers and IT operations to work together and help their enterprises …

Building a modern data registry: Go beyond data classification

For organizations, understanding what data they store and analyze is gaining increasing urgency due to new privacy regulations, from the Global Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR) …

Microsoft 365 security: Protecting users from an ever-evolving threat landscape

In this age of frequent security and data breaches, the statement “We take our customers’ privacy and security very seriously” has been heard from breached …

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