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Making the most of threat intelligence with threat intelligence gateways

Even though many security professionals are still dissatisfied with threat intelligence accuracy and quality, its use as a resource for network defense is growing. According …

Hacking our way into cybersecurity for medical devices

Hospitals are filled with machines connected to the internet. With a combination of both wired and wireless connectivity, knowing and managing which devices are connected has …

SEC demands better disclosure for cybersecurity incidents and threats

As companies increasingly rely on networked systems and on the Internet, cybersecurity threats have grown. Companies that fall victim to a successful cyberattack incur …

Most adults are concerned about malware and phishing on social media

More than eighty percent of adults believe that they’re at risk when it comes to security on social media. Most American adults are using at least one social media …

Companies face regulatory fines and cybersecurity threats, still fail to protect sensitive data

22% of a company’s folders are accessible, on average, to every employee, according to the new report from the Varonis Data Lab, which analyzed more than 54 billion files. The …

Docker hub
Attackers breached Docker Hub, grabbed keys and tokens

Docker, the company behing the popular virtualization tool bearing the same name, has announced late on Friday that it has suffered a security breach. There was no official …

GE trade secret theft case demonstrates need for document behavior monitoring

A former GE engineer and a Chinese national have been formally charged with 14 counts of economic espionage by the U.S. Department of Justice after stealing trade secrets from …

The leading sources of stress for cybersecurity leaders? Regulation, threats, skills shortage

A perfect storm of regulation, increased threats and technological complexity is overwhelming cybersecurity decision makers, reveals new research from Symantec. Cybersecurity …

Most SMBs would pay a ransom in order to recover stolen data

More than half (55 percent) of executives at SMBs said they would pay hackers in order to recover their stolen data in ransomware attacks, according to the second quarterly …

Best practices when implementing SD-WAN

Telecoms is an overall complex business – delivering network circuits and optimizing connections – but SD-WAN has its own very specific set of obstacles. SD-WAN involves many …

Too fast, too insecure: Securing Mongo Express web administrative interfaces

Mongo Express is a lightweight web-based administrative interface deployed to manage MongoDB databases interactively. It is authored using Node.js, Express and Bootstrap …

Cybercriminals are becoming more methodical and adaptive

Cybercriminals are deviating towards a more focused approach against targets by using better obfuscation techniques and improved social engineering skills as organizations …

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