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How a move to the cloud can improve disaster recovery plans

COVID-19 and the subsequent global recession have thrown a wrench into IT spending. Many enterprises have placed new purchases on hold. Gartner recently projected that global …

Healthcare organizations are sitting ducks for attacks and breaches

Seventy-three percent of health system, hospital and physician organizations report their infrastructures are unprepared to respond to attacks. The survey results estimated …

Researchers break Intel SGX by creating $30 device to control CPU voltage

Researchers at the University of Birmingham have managed to break Intel SGX, a set of security functions used by Intel processors, by creating a $30 device to control CPU …

Managing risk remains a significant challenge

While COVID-19 has created new concerns and deepened traditional challenges for IT, organizations with complete insight and governance of their technology ecosystem are better …

Security teams need visibility into the threats targeting remote workers

Although only 33% of organizations are currently using a dedicated digital experience monitoring solution today, nearly half of IT leaders are now likely to invest in these …

Making history: The pandemic, disaster recovery and data protection

It was an accomplishment for the ages: within just a couple of days, IT departments hurriedly provided millions of newly homebound employees online access to the data and apps …

Enterprises embrace Kubernetes, but lack security tools to mitigate risk

Businesses increasingly embrace the moving of multiple applications to the cloud using containers and utilize Kubernetes for orchestration, according to Zettaset. However, …

How IoT insecurity impacts global organizations

As the Internet of Things becomes more and more part of our lives, the security of these devices is imperative, especially because attackers have wasted no time and are …

Malware activity spikes 128%, Office document phishing skyrockets

Nuspire released a report, outlining new cybercriminal activity and tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) throughout Q3 2020, with additional insight from Recorded Future. …

ML tool identifies domains created to promote fake news

Academics at UCL and other institutions have collaborated to develop a machine learning tool that identifies new domains created to promote false information so that they can …

Microsoft advises users to stop using SMS- and voice-based MFA

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) that depends on one of the authentication factors being delivered via SMS and voice calls should be avoided, Alex Weinert, Director of …

Oracle POS
Researchers discover POS backdoor targeting the hospitality industry

ESET researchers have discovered ModPipe, a modular backdoor that gives its operators access to sensitive information stored in devices running ORACLE MICROS Restaurant …

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