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57% of vulnerabilities in 2020 were classified as critical or high severity

NIST logged more than 18,000 vulnerabilities in 2020, over 10,000 of which were critical or high severity – an all-time high. Redscan’s analysis looks beyond severity scores, …

Analysts need advanced automation tools to reduce fear of missing incidents

Security analysts are becoming less productive due to widespread “alert fatigue” resulting in ignored alerts, increased stress, and fear of missing incidents, according to an …

Cybersecurity risks connected to AI in autonomous vehicles

By removing the most common cause of traffic accidents – the human driver – autonomous vehicles are expected to reduce traffic accidents and fatalities. However, they may pose …

Malware increased by 358% in 2020

A research study conducted by Deep Instinct reports on the hundreds of millions of attempted cyberattacks that occurred every day throughout 2020 showing malware increased by …

remote work
Enable secure remote workspaces without trashing your entire IT infrastructure

Roughly 12 months ago, when the world shifted seemingly overnight to work-from-home, few companies were well-positioned to seamlessly scale their remote work solutions. Legacy …

Why contextual machine learning is the fix that zero-trust email security needs

Email data breaches are on the rise. Our recent research found that 93% of organizations have experienced an email data breach in the last 12 months, at an average rate of one …

seismic wave
The cybersecurity issues of seismic monitoring devices

Seismic monitoring devices linked to the internet are vulnerable to cyberattacks that could disrupt data collection and processing, say researchers who have probed the devices …

Consumers not protecting data online despite having privacy concerns

Startpage announced results of its survey exploring the attitudes of Americans towards protecting their own privacy online. The results found a gap between the high levels of …

Cybersecurity spending for critical infrastructure to reach $105.99 billion in 2021

Cybersecurity spending in critical infrastructure has been little impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, save for some reshuffling on where that spend is most needed. The effect …

Have we put too much emphasis on protecting the network?

Recently, much of the cybersecurity commentary and blogs have talked about new approaches for protecting the network, especially beyond the perimeter. For the past few years, …

Nearly 40% of consumers lost money to phone scams in 2020

Businesses and consumers are relying on the voice call more than ever during the pandemic with voice traffic up 184% in 2020 compared to 2019, according to a Hiya report. …

Quantum computing and encryption: Key to achieving resilience, technological sovereignty and leadership

Cryptography is a vital part of cybersecurity. Security properties like confidentiality, integrity, authentication, non-repudiation rely on strong cryptographic mechanisms, …

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