
The state of open source security in 2022
In this video for Help Net Security, Kurt Seifried, Chief Blockchain Officer and Director of Special Projects at Cloud Security Alliance, talks about the state of open source …

Independent security audits are essential for cloud service providers. Here’s why
As more companies outsource IT infrastructure to third-party providers and adopt cloud-based collaboration tools, the need for partners that deliver strong protection and …

Cybersecurity is getting harder: More threats, more complexity, fewer people
Splunk and Enterprise Strategy Group released a global research report that examines the security issues facing the modern enterprise. More than 1,200 security leaders …

Cyber defense: Prioritized by real-world threat data
The impact of a cybersecurity breach can be painful for any enterprise, and devastating for some. Any one of the top five threats we see in today’s environment—malware, …

The benefits of cyber risk quantification in the modern cybersecurity landscape
Kovrr and SANS Institute released their joint survey that reveals enterprise motivation and impact of cyber risk quantification (CRQ) in the modern cybersecurity landscape. …

How to perform cybersecurity market analysis
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) introduces a framework to perform cybersecurity market analyses and dives into the market of the Internet of Things (IoT) …

Cybersecurity must be at the forefront of a blockchain project
In this video for Help Net Security, Dr. Dmitry Mikhailov, CTO at Farcana Metaverse, talks about cybersecurity in the crypto industry and the vulnerability of a blockchain …

Human activated risk still a pain point for organizations
Egress announced the results of a report, which revealed that 56% of IT leaders say that their non-technical staff are only ‘somewhat’ prepared, or ‘not at all’ prepared, for …

Embedded security market to reach $9 billion by 2027
The embedded security market size is projected to grow from $6.8 billion in 2022 to $9 billion by 2027; it is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.9% from 2022 to 2027, according …

Prioritizing cybersecurity training during the onboarding process
In this interview with Help Net Security, Brent Johnson, CISO at Bluefin, talks about the importance of making cybersecurity training a priority for every organization and why …

New and less known cybersecurity risks you should be aware of
In this interview with Help Net Security, Zur Ulianitzky, Head of Security Research at XM CYber, gives insights on new and less talked about cybersecurity risks organizations …

Vulnerabilities and cyberattacks that marked the year 2021
Rapid7 announced the release of a report examining the 50 most notable security vulnerabilities and high-impact cyberattacks in 2021. On any given day, security professionals …