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March 2022 Patch Tuesday forecast: Pressure mounts to resolve vulnerabilities

February 2022 Patch Tuesday was an anomaly. Not only did we see record low numbers of vulnerabilities addressed across all of Microsoft’s operating systems, but we also saw …

Perennial security challenges hampering organizations in achieving their security objectives

Arctic Wolf published a report, providing insight into the current and future state of cybersecurity teams as they attempt to move their security programs forward while …

What is Ransomware Protection as a Service?

Ransomware attacks have devastating consequences for many businesses. Those go beyond the monetary loss tied to ransom-encrypted data, and include disrupted operations, …

MSPs see cybersecurity as both a challenge and an opportunity

Kaseya announced the results of its survey which includes data about the priorities, challenges and predictions of more than 1,200 MSPs across the globe. “With COVID-19 …

open source
The Linux Foundation’s Census of OSS app libraries helps prioritize security work

The Linux Foundation announced the final release of “Census II of Free and Open Source Software – Application Libraries,” which identifies more than one thousand of the …

online shopping
Payment security market to reach $54.1 billion by 2028

The global payment security market is expected to reach $54.1 billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 16.5% during the forecast period of 2021-2028, according to …

How to keep your medical device IP safe from cyber attacks

Guarding intellectual property (IP) has always been a priority for medical device manufacturers as competitors and even nation states are constantly trying to compromise or …

Bad actors are becoming more successful at evading AI/ML technologies

Deep Instinct Threat Research team extensively monitored attack volumes and types and then extrapolated their findings to predict where the future of cybersecurity is heading, …

Security leaders want legal action for failing to patch for Log4j

The recently identified vulnerability in the Log4j Java logging package has created headaches for security professionals around the world. 61% of organizations responding to …

mobile apps
How much do different generations trust their mobile devices’ security?

McAfee unveiled two survey reports which reveal the level of disconnect that exists between generations over how safe mobile devices are and how vulnerable consumers are to …

How to empower IT Sec and Ops teams to anticipate and resolve IT problems

Every IT system administrator knows the misery of facing a problem for which the root cause requires hours (and sometimes days) to unearth, all the while part of the IT …

zero trust
Apps, devices and workloads provide an ecosystem cornerstone for zero trust growth

As cybersecurity professionals, we admit it: zero trust has become the industry’s biggest buzzword. Some argue it’s a principle, others argue it’s a framework, others still …

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