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Product showcase: Secure online authentication “Made in Germany” by Swissbit

New iShield FIDO2 USB-A / NFC security key protects access to applications and online services. Today it is more critical than ever before for businesses to equip themselves …

The benefits of implementing continuous security in the development lifecycle

Wabbi published new research with IDG that finds companies utilizing continuous security have decreased vulnerabilities by 50%. The study focused on the integration of …

The security gaps that can be exposed by cybersecurity asset management

Cybersecurity asset management does not come with the excitement following the metaverse, blockchain, or smokescreen detection technologies, but it is essential for the …

2021 COVID bounce: Malware has returned with a vengeance

At a particularly perilous moment for privacy and security, Malwarebytes’ research uncovered a COVID bounce, a massive 2021 resurgence of cyberthreats across multiple …

Is next-gen threat modeling even about threats?

The threat landscape evolves with technology, and as threats grow in sophistication, there are concerns about major events like the Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack or the …

virtual reality
Extended Threat Intelligence: A new approach to old school threat intelligence

The world is shaken by different new crises and cyber events every day. All sectors are affected by the events, either in terms of production, transportation, or security. The …

Cloud-native adoption shifts security responsibility across teams

Styra released a research report which explores how in sync, or misaligned, IT leaders and developers are when it comes to cloud-native technology use and security during …

The importance of data in the metaverse

A research from Bright Data has highlighted the importance of data in virtual environments such as the metaverse. The survey, conducted by Vanson Bourne, generated insights …

Enterprises are engaged in a powerful battle to retain cybersecurity staff

The Great Resignation is plaguing industries across the board—but it’s especially challenging within in-demand fields like cybersecurity. According to ISACA’s survey report, …

What’s holding back zero trust implementation for device access?

A study by Infinipoint has revealed a significant gap between a high level of interest in zero trust for device access yet relatively low adoption due to obstacles in …

Companies should evolve their cybersecurity strategy in light of the Great Resignation

While the obvious challenge of the Great Resignation is rising labor shortages, the phenomenon is now posing a critical risk to another important aspect of the workforce: …

As breaches soar, companies must turn to cloud-native security solutions for protection

Over the past two years, companies’ adoption of public cloud services has surged, but fast-paced change and weaker security controls have led to an increase in data breaches, …

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