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5 rules to make security user-friendly

My mother is 67 years old. She is a brilliant woman, educated and not at all afraid of technology. Yet, when I tried to get her to install Google Authenticator and use …

Data backup, security alerts, and encryption viewed as top security features

Half of U.S. businesses say that security is the most influential factor when buying software, according to Capterra’s Security Features Survey. In fact, 45% have stopped …

IT security spending to reach nearly $300 billion by 2026

Worldwide spending on security solutions and services is forecast to be $219 billion in 2023, an increase of 12.1% compared to 2022, according to IDC. Investments in hardware, …

Most mid-sized businesses lack cybersecurity experts, incident response plans

99% of all businesses across the United States and Canada are mid-sized businesses facing cybersecurity challenges, according to a Huntress report. Aimed to gain insights into …

How ChatGPT is changing the cybersecurity game

The cybersecurity industry can leverage GPT-3 potential as a co-pilot to help defeat attackers, according to Sophos. The latest report details projects developed by Sophos …

Most security pros turn to unauthorized AI tools at work

Security experts are increasingly resorting to unauthorized AI tools, possibly because they are unhappy with the level of automation implemented in their organization’s …

identity theft
Cyber attribution: Vigilance or distraction?

Cyber attribution is a process by which security analysts collect evidence, build timelines and attempt to piece together evidence in the wake of a cyberattack to identify the …

So, you want to deploy air-gapped Kubernetes, huh?

So, you want to deploy Kubernetes in an air-gapped environment, but after months of grueling work, you’re still not up and running. Or maybe you’re just embarking on the …

Best practices for securing the software application supply chain

As server-side security advances, more attackers are exploiting vulnerabilities and launching malicious attacks through the less protected and seldom monitored client-side …

We can’t wait for SBOMs to be demanded by regulation

Old ads can be startling—cigarette ads used to boast their health-giving properties, sugar-laden candy was once advertised as a dietary aid, and soft drinks were advertised as …
Product showcase: – Application-level permissions with a no-code UI

Managing user access in applications has always been a headache for any developer. Implementing policies and enforcing them can prove to be quite complex, and very …

The rise of AI threats: Is your business prepared to face ChatGPT?

Skyhigh Security has seen firsthand how 33,000 enterprise users have accessed ChatGPT through corporate infrastructures. Almost 7 TB of data has been transacted with ChatGPT …

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Cybersecurity news