
Using just-in-time access to reduce cloud security risk
Excessive privileges are a continuing headache for security professionals. As more organizations migrate assets to the cloud, users with excessive permissions can expand the …

Cybercriminals use proxies to legitimize fraudulent requests
Bot attacks were previously seen as relatively inconsequential type of online fraud, and that mentality has persisted even as threat actors have gained the ability to cause …

Using multiple solutions adds complexity to your zero trust strategy
Companies’ operating models today are significantly more complex than they were just a couple of years ago, according to BeyondTrust. Remote employees accessing key systems …

The double-edged sword of generative AI
Generative AI has captured the imagination of millions worldwide, largely driven by the recent success of ChatGPT, the text-generation chatbot. Our new research showed that …

Password reset woes could cost FTSE 100 companies $156 million each month
Password resets could unnecessarily cost FTSE 100 businesses over $156 million every month, according to MyCena Security Solutions. This raises the question of the necessity …

Generative AI and security: Balancing performance and risk
Are we moving too fast with AI? This is a central question both inside and outside the tech industry, given the recent tsunami of attention paid to ChatGPT and other …

CISOs: unsupported, unheard, and invisible
A study conducted among CISOs worldwide from various industries sheds light on their strategies amid a challenging threat environment, identifies obstacles from business …

Are you ready for PCI DSS 4.0?
In just under a year’s time, organizations will have had to comply with several new requirements under version 4.0 of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI …

Corporate boards pressure CISOs to step up risk mitigation efforts
While those working in InfoSec and GRC have high levels of confidence in their cyber/IT risk management systems, persistent problems may be making them less effective than …

AI tools help attackers develop sophisticated phishing campaigns
Phishing scams are a growing threat, and cybercriminals’ methods are becoming increasingly sophisticated, making them harder to detect and block, according to Zscaler report. …

The silent killers in digital healthcare
As digital transformation revolutionizes the healthcare industry, its use of API (application programming interfaces) technology is skyrocketing. APIs, which help users and …

Securing the rapidly developing edge ecosystem
In this Help Net Security video interview, Theresa Lanowitz, Head of Cybersecurity Evangelism at AT&T Business, discusses the 12th annual Cybersecurity Insights Report, …