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EDR is not a silver bullet

Old lore held that shooting a werewolf, vampire, or even just your average nasty villain with a silver bullet was a sure-fire takedown: one hit, no more bad guy. As …

vm2 vunerability
Critical vm2 sandbox escape flaw uncovered, patch ASAP! (CVE-2022-36067)

Oxeye researchers discovered a severe vm2 vulnerability (CVE-2022-36067) that has received the maximum CVSS score of 10.0. Called SandBreak, this new vulnerability requires …

Purpose-based access control: Putting data access requests into context

Access control is the heart of data protection. Striking the right balance between easy access and tight security isn’t easy, but getting it right is how you maintain business …

Board members should make CISOs their strategic partners

Proofpoint released their Cybersecurity: The 2022 Board Perspective report, which explores board of directors’ perceptions about their key challenges and risks. Cybersecurity …

October 2022 Patch Tuesday forecast: Looking for treats, not more tricks

We’ve entered the final quarter of 2022 with a favorite holiday for many – Halloween, at the end of the month. Unfortunately, Microsoft has continued to play a few tricks on …

social engineering
3 ways enterprises can mitigate social engineering risks

In this Help Net Security video, Alon Levin, VP of Product Management at Seraphic Security, explains what social engineering is, and how prevalent it is. He offers insight …

The gap between security and privacy, and what it will take to bridge it

In this Help Net Security video, Bill Tolson, VP of eDiscovery & Compliance at Archive360, talks about the biggest and perhaps only question in information governance …

APIs are quickly becoming the most popular attack vector

In this Help Net Security video, Shay Levi, CTO at Noname Security, discusses the findings from a recent API security report, which reveals a growing number of API security …

Eileen Walther
Fine-tuning Germany’s cybersecurity strategy

Recently, Eileen Walther, Northwave’s Country Manager for Germany and specialized in information security, was elected the new Vice President of the Cyber Security Council …

Cyber attackers view smaller organizations as easier targets

Attackers view smaller organizations as having fewer security protocols in place, therefore requiring less effort to compromise. This Help Net Security video showcases how …

API authentication failures demonstrate the need for zero trust

The use of application programming interfaces (APIs) has exploded as businesses deploy mobile apps, containers, serverless computing, microservices, and expand their cloud …

Assessing the state of the internet to make smart security decisions

The internet constantly changes as new technologies are developed, and vulnerabilities are discovered. At the same time, organizations expand their operations that interact …

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Cybersecurity news