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data analytics
High-business-impact outages are incredibly expensive

In this Help Net Security video, Peter Pezaris, Chief Strategy and Design Officer at New Relic, discusses observability adoption and how full-stack observability leads to …

Soft skills continue to challenge the cybersecurity sector

New cybersecurity findings pinpoint areas where cybersecurity experts are lacking, with interpersonal skills, cloud computing, and security measures standing out as the most …

open-source software
The root cause of open-source risk

2023 saw twice as many software supply chain attacks as 2019-2022 combined. Sonatype logged 245,032 malicious packages in 2023. One in eight open-source downloads today poses …

Gaspard de Lacroix-Vaubois
Tackling cyber risks head-on using security questionnaires

In this Help Net Security interview, Gaspard de Lacroix-Vaubois, CEO at Skypher, talks about the implementation of security questionnaires and how they facilitate assessments …

large language models
Understanding the layers of LLM security for business integration

In this Help Net Security video, Ivana Bartoletti, Global Privacy Officer at Wipro, discusses how organizations should deal with and deploy LLMs securely. Those who push the …

Cybersecurity preparedness pays big dividends for businesses

Businesses are taking cybersecurity more seriously by boosting resources and preparedness, according to GetApp. US businesses on the whole are gaining ground against …

mental health
Factors leading to organizations losing control over IT and security environments

Companies are challenged with the growing need to connect everything in their business while maintaining control over their security, productivity, and competitive growth, …

Evolving conversations: Cybersecurity as a business risk

Board members often lack technical expertise and may not fully grasp cyber risks. On the other hand, CISOs are more accustomed to interfacing with IT staff. This is …

Okey Obudulu
CISO’s compass: Mastering tech, inspiring teams, and confronting risk

In this Help Net Security interview, Okey Obudulu, CISO at Skillsoft, talks about the increasing complexity of the CISO role and challenges they face. He discusses the …

GenAI in software surges despite risks

In this Help Net Security video, Ilkka Turunen, Field CTO at Sonatype, discusses how generative AI influences and impacts software engineers’ work and the software …

Chalk: Open-source software security and infrastructure visibility tool

Chalk is a free, open-source tool that helps improve software security. You add a single line to your build script, and it will automatically collect and inject metadata into …

Barriers preventing organizations from DevOps automation

Organizations’ investments in DevOps automation are delivering significant benefits, including a 61% improvement in software quality, a 57% reduction in deployment failures, …

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Cybersecurity news