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Cybersecurity pros predict rise of malicious AI

76% of cybersecurity professionals believe the world is very close to encountering malicious AI that can bypass most known cybersecurity measures, according to Enea. 26% see …

Cybercriminals can go from click to compromise in less than a day

The median dwell time in ransomware engagements dropped to just under 24 hours from 4.5 days in the previous year and 5.5 days in the year before that, according to …

$2.7 billion lost to social media scams since 2021

Scams originating on social media have accounted for $2.7 billion in reported losses since 2021, more than any other contact method, according to the Federal Trade Commission. …

digital identity
Selective disclosure in the identity wallet: How users share the data that is really needed

Name, date of birth, address, email address, passwords, tax records, or payroll – all this sensitive user data is stored by companies in huge databases to identify individuals …

connected car
Automotive cybersecurity: A decade of progress and challenges

As connected cars become a standard feature in the market, the significance of automotive cybersecurity rises, playing an essential role in ensuring the safety of road users. …

Incentivizing secure online behavior across generations

As the landscape of online security continues to evolve, there is a noticeable shift in people’s perceptions of cybersecurity, with an increasing awareness of its vital …

data analytics
Companies rethinking degree requirements for entry-level cybersecurity jobs

While the threat landscape is evolving for most on the front lines, little has changed in recent years, according to ISACA. The research finds that of the cybersecurity …

cyber insurance
Cyber insurance costs pressure business budgets

Cyber insurance is a type of insurance policy that provides financial protection and support to individuals and organizations in the event of cyber incidents, including data …

Are executives adequately guarding their gadgets?

Today, individual citizens, rather than businesses or governmental bodies, are the main entry points for cyberattacks. However, security solutions haven’t evolved …

Poor cybersecurity habits are common among younger employees

One in three employees believe their actions do not impact their organization’s security, according to Ivanti. Unsafe cybersecurity habits among office workers The research …

Eyes everywhere: How to safely navigate the IoT video revolution

Cameras are coming to a connected device near you. Cheap image sensors from old mobile phones are flooding the market and bringing video to the Internet of Things (IoT). …

LLMs lower the barrier for entry into cybercrime

Cybercriminals employ evolving attack methodologies designed to breach traditional perimeter security, including secure email gateways, according to Egress. “Without a doubt …

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