cybersecurity talent

WiCyS: A champion for a more diverse cybersecurity workforce
In this Help Net Security interview, Lynn Dohm, Executive Director at Women in CyberSecurity (WiCyS), talks about how the organization supports its members across different …

Cloud security predictions for 2024
As we reflect on the cybersecurity landscape and the trajectories of threat vectors, it’s evident that we’re on the cusp of a paradigm shift in cloud security. …

How effective compensation makes a difference with cyber talent retention
Aligning cybersecurity organization models with business objectives enables talent retention and security program success, according to IANS and Artico Search. CISOs’ …

Unrealistic expectations exacerbate the cybersecurity talent shortage
Consumers believe today’s cybersecurity talent shortage is in large part due to limited exposure to the profession and a lack of cybersecurity education and training at a …

Why cybersecurity is a blue-collar job
Cybersecurity has witnessed exponential growth in recent years, fueled by the increasing sophistication of cyber threats. As the demand for skilled professionals continues to …

Using creative recruitment strategies to tackle the cybersecurity skills shortage
With the increasing complexity of cyber threats and the global shortage of cybersecurity experts, organizations are looking for creative approaches to recruiting and retaining …

US government outlines National Cyber Workforce and Education Strategy
After the release of a National Cybersecurity Strategy and its implementation plan, the Biden-Harris Administration has unveiled the National Cyber Workforce and Education …

Overcoming the cybersecurity talent shortage with upskilling initiatives
In this Help Net Security interview, Dr. Lindsey Polley de Lopez, Director of Cyber & Space Intelligence at MACH37, proposes strategies for companies, educational …

US-based CISOs get nearly $1 million per year
The role of the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) is a relatively new senior-level executive position within most organizations, and is still evolving. To find out how …

CISA and NPower offer free entry-level cybersecurity training
NPower, a US-based non-profit participating in a cybersecurity workforce development program started by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA), is looking for …

How to recruit cybersecurity talent from atypical backgrounds
In this interview with Help Net Security, Max Shuftan, Director of Mission Programs & Partnerships at SANS Institute, talks about how companies and the cybersecurity …

Execs concerned about failing to deliver working arrangements that meet employee expectations
Executives are concerned about their ability to deliver value propositions that satisfy employees and a subsequent inability to retain and recruit talent, according to …