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Rising SpyEye malicious code threat

AhnLab announced that its research has identified a significant majority of the domains and hosts for the SpyEye Banking Trojan are in the US. The malicious code has gained …

Fake eBay identity confirmation message hitting inboxes

Ebay users are once again targeted with fake notifications asking them to “confirm their identity”. “Dear eBay Community Member, You’re signing in from …

Facebook users targeted with account-hijacking Chrome extensions

With the steady rise in popularity of both Facebook and Google’s Chrome browser, cyber scammers have turned to targeting users of both. According to Kaspersky Lab expert …

Exploiting legitimate online technology

Criminals intent on distributing images of children being sexually abused are finding new ways of exploiting legitimate online technology, according to the Internet Watch …

Microsoft disrupts massive cybercrime operation

In its most complex effort to disrupt botnets to date, Microsoft, in collaboration with the financial services industry — including the Financial Services – Information …

Flash-based rogue AV targets users

The business of pushing rogue AV software onto unsuspecting users is quite lucrative, so it’s no wonder that cyber crooks are still doing it. But while most of the time …

Megaupload users targeted with extortion scheme

The recent shutdown of the Megaupload file hosting service by the US authorities is being actively exploited by cyber crooks who are attempting to extort money from the …

Plan to reduce botnets launched

More than one in ten U.S. computers are infected by difficult-to-detect bots, which botmasters can use for anything from sending spam, to eavesdropping on network traffic, to …

Surge in mobile exploits and shell command injection attacks

IBM released the results of its X-Force 2011 Trend and Risk Report which shows surprising improvements in several areas of Internet security such as a reduction in application …

Mousetrap Trojan steals money by chain reaction

Catalin Cosoi, Chief Security Researcher at Bitdefender warns of a new Trojan that robs your bank account. The new Mousetrap campaign starts with a Java applet that has been …

Carberp gang arrested in Russia

Eight men have been arrested in Moscow for having allegedly stolen over $2 million from the bank accounts of over 90 Russian individuals by infecting their computers with the …

Beware of fake Google AV

Cyber crooks are once again trying to take advantage of Google’s name and logo to push malware onto unsuspecting users. According to GFI researchers, a number of pages …

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