Exploit kit authors thrive due to PoC code released by whitehats
Do exploit kit authors actually write the exploits they include in their offerings? Sophos’ researcher Gabor Szappanos says the answer is a resounding “No.” …
80% of attacks are redirects from legitimate sites
Sophos released its Security Threat Report 2013, a detailed and interactive assessment of what’s happened in IT security for 2012 and what’s expected for 2013. …
Three out of every four malware infections are caused by Trojans
PandaLabs analyzed the IT security events and incidents from July through September 2012. The third quarter of the year has seen an increase in the number of hacking attacks …
Handy malicious domain registering service available to cybercriminals
Despite its illegal nature, the industry revolving around cybercrime follows the same rules characteristic for any human economic enterprise: those who discover a need, create …
Bogus Amazon account compromise notice leads to phishing
A phishing email impersonating Amazon is hitting users’ inboxes, trying to trick them into believing that various computers connected to their Amazon account and …
Festive but fake UPS notification leads to fake AV
Fake UPS delivery notifications hit inboxes with regularity during the entire year, and usually don’t need “special effects” to trick users into downloading …
16 arrested for $25M worth credit card theft, fraud
Sixteen individuals allegedly involved in a credit card information theft ring have been arrested in Romania during a series of raids, the Romanian Directorate for …
Malicious ads lead to fake browser updates
Every now and then, malware peddlers employ the “Your browser is out of date, download the update here” approach to saddling inexperienced users with their … compromised, offered Trojanized version of analytics software
The official website of popular free web server analytics system Piwik has been compromised and made to serve a Trojanized version of the software that opens a backdoor on the …
Go Daddy says DNS records hijacking was due to phishing
Last week malware peddlers have managed to compromise the DNS records of Go Daddy hosted websites so that they would redirect victims to malicious sites hosting the Cool …
Fake Tesco free Christmas voucher offer leads to phishing
Emails purportedly coming from British retailer Tesco offering free Christmas shopping vouchers have been hitting inboxes around the world, warns Hoax-Slayer. The link that …
Battles over online information control to escalate
The year ahead will feature new and increasingly sophisticated means to capture and exploit user data, escalating battles over the control of online information and continuous …