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Bogus hotel websites set up to push a variety of scams

As the end-of-the-year holidays slowly approach, cyber crooks are ramping up their various scammy campaigns. Among these is a relatively new but rather complex combination of …

Malicious QR codes pop up on traffic-heavy locations

QR codes – those matrix barcodes that you can now find almost anywhere – are very handy for directing users to specific sites by simply scanning them with their …

Hackers encrypt medical centre’s patient data, ask for ransom

Russian hackers have apparently managed to break into a server where an Australian medical centre keeps its patients’ records, encrypt the data, and are now asking for …

Most prevalent threat detections of the holiday season

In November, GFI threat researchers encountered email threats disguised as notices from American Express, DHL and UPS as the holiday season kicked into full gear, as well as a …

Multipurpose Necurs Trojan infects over 83,000 computers

The polivalent Necurs malware family has been wreaking havoc in November by infecting over 83,000 unique computers – and that are only the ones detected by …

Beware of bogus Facebook account cancellation requests

Bogus “Facebook Account Cancellation Request” emails are back, and this time the malicious senders didn’t opt for making users infect themselves. The …

Malicious email simultaneously impersonates UPS and FedEx

Malicious notifications supposedly coming from major courier delivery services companies are nothing new, but they still must catch enough users off guard. This latest one is …

Gameover gang uses Cutwail botnet to swell its own

The hackers behind the Gameover variant of the popular Zeus banking Trojan have rented the massive Cutwail botnet in order to send out millions of fake emails carrying the …

Kaspersky Lab predicts core threats for 2013

Kaspersky Lab’s experts outlined key security trends of 2012 and presented their views on the core threats of 2013. The most notable predictions for the next year …

Exploit kit authors thrive due to PoC code released by whitehats

Do exploit kit authors actually write the exploits they include in their offerings? Sophos’ researcher Gabor Szappanos says the answer is a resounding “No.” …

80% of attacks are redirects from legitimate sites

Sophos released its Security Threat Report 2013, a detailed and interactive assessment of what’s happened in IT security for 2012 and what’s expected for 2013. …

Three out of every four malware infections are caused by Trojans

PandaLabs analyzed the IT security events and incidents from July through September 2012. The third quarter of the year has seen an increase in the number of hacking attacks …

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