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Fake Target breach notification leads to phishing and complex scams

The extensive Target breach has resounded far and wide in US media, and its customers should worry about their personal or credit card information being misused. After the …

Mass-scale cleansing of co-opted computing devices

Cyber criminals are infecting innocent victims’ computing devices with crimeware at an alarming rate and with enormous costs. Technology solutions alone have not worked …

Fake “Critical browser update” warnings lead to malware

If you have manually updated your browser in the last week or so, think back on how you did it. Did you look for the update yourself, or did you download one after being faced …

Fake AV served to Dailymotion visitors via malicious ads

The extremely popular video-sharing website Dailymotion ( has been found serving malicious ads that trigger fake infection warnings and try to make visitors …

New Zeus variant stymies malware analysis, has rootkit capabilities

As expected, variants of the infamous Zeus banking Trojan are becoming more adept at hiding their presence from users and AV solutions, and at preventing malware analysis …

“Unauthorized activity on your Amazon account” phishing email doing rounds

The pre-holiday online shopping frenzy has ended, but scam and phishing attempts continue unabated. The latest email spam campaign aiming for login credentials is one that …

WoW gamers targeted with trojanized Curse client

The DDoS attacks that temporarily took down Blizzard’s and Valve’s Steam online gaming services over the end of the year holidays have undoubtedly …

Fake Adobe “licence key delivery” emails carry malware

A clever malware distribution campaign is currently doing rounds, taking the form of emails purportedly delivering licence keys for a number of Adobe’s software …

Resurgence of malware signed with stolen certificates

Since 2009, variants of the Winwebsec rogue AV family have been trying to trick users into believing their computer has been infected and into paying for …

WhatsApp-themed spam campaign delivers malware

A new WhatsApp-themed spam campaign has been spotted targeting users of the popular IM service. The spam email claims to be a notification about a voice message someone left …

Gamers attacked 11.7 million times in 2013

Just days after the launch of the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One, Kaspersky Lab experts have discovered that PC gamers across Europe were hit by a massive number of attacks in …

IT pros are playing cat and mouse with cybercriminals

IT professionals admit to feeling lost when it comes to trying to protect the company against cyber attacks and cybercriminals. This could be a big problem for all of us, as …

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